Ireland politics (Part 1)

Just wondering what new has come out. These awful places and practices have been known about for a good while.

The report was being released today and the Sindo leaked it on Sunday. Hereā€™s the report

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Any challenge to the Church and you were cancelled.

Easy lads say people should have done something or stood up but our recent year of Covid shows people are compliant and go along with whatever they are told is in their interest.


The Irish times has a load on it and is pretty good on it I think. Itā€™s 3000 pages so nobody has read it in its entirety yet!
Apparently Tusla comes out of it ok. Survivors dont like that cos they feel TUsla has been stymieing them. It recommends financial redress but qualified. Only for woman who were in a home for 6 months or more I think. Think it names 1973 as a stop date for when people should get redress. Roderick o Gorman has committed to more than that. They want access to birth certificates and medical history. Plenty of AGs have said that requires a referendum. Hopefully this might push them to getting that.


Can I ask a stupid question here maybe

At the time was there any safe haven for women. Any home or order that would take them in and actually treat them with some respect? Or does the report show that all the homes were acting in same manner?

This place.and they got no money from the state I think. Unlike the religious ones.

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Fairly dark place :ireland:ballygobackwards then

ā€œUn-fucking believableā€ :joy:


The fucking gowls on Twitter making out that he wouldnā€™t behave like that if there was a man in the chair. Good God. Or bad God as the case may be.

At least it seems to have been run truly to support women who got pregnant. No judgement, no mental abuse, just as much support as they could give. For that it stands head and shoulders above the others.

This is worth 2 mins


She sent the obnoxious cunt home with his tea in a mug. Fair play to her


Thatā€™s a horrific read.

Like has been mentioned earlier, itā€™s absolutely shameful that the people who perpetrated these acts will face no justice but, for me, the fact that society allowed this for so long is worse.


Who is society?

When your kids ask you why you facilitated the economic destruction of the country for a bad flu, what will you tell them? That you spoke out on the internet?

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Different country, different mindset then, really an alien world compared to now

Yes. And got several ā€œnice postsā€ and even a few ā€œgood postsā€ for it too.


Stares into distance ā€œFor me, the hardest part of lockdown was the interminable wait between the ninth and tenth likeā€


I did my best to stop lockdowns pal. The Internet is society these days

I got a ā€œgreat replyā€ even. Without having a child, being diagnosed with anything or making a remark about the shape of @balbecā€™s head.


I gave that a like. What did you bake?

A truth pie