Ireland politics (Part 1)

What has Ewan achieved outside sport? It’s going outside sport that does him harm if anything


Being in a high tier of Internet wums is an achievement in itself.

Great thread. Great paper. That picture halfway down, reservoir boggers indeed


When trousers puddled in puddles

Stone useless performance by Minister McEntee there on Prime Time.

Surprised that you were expecting something different.

I wasn’t

I’m sure she was given a grilling by the interviewer not.

Ah she got a bit of a grilling. There’s a bit about this Louise girl. McEntee just sat there blushing. It’s kind of incomprehensible that they didn’t have the scheme of a bill worked out to deal with quarantine before now or that they have been sitting on their hands as regards the Children’s Act issue since October.

Thought that was a good point by the woman on TV3 there that as well as it being a nightmare for kids and their parents in special schools, it must also be very bad for kids who are in “normal” schools but have dyslexia or some other learning difficulty that they get special attention for.

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This is like something David Brent would come up with.

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No one stopped to think that maybe the women should be in the lead on this one :man_facepalming:

people who menstruate

The production values are horrific. Who thought that was a good idea!

sure they didnt even mention women in the vid

Brian Stanley has triggered a few people with his very fair comparison.


The use of “bleedin’” sounds like a play on working class accents to debase a whole segment of society
 It’s use is a flex of elitism and superiority. It’s class consciousness at it’s finest cc @Thomas_Brady :grinning:

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One difference would be that that fellas were bussed up to one PR event where the deceased wasn’t even being buried; whereas friends and colleagues were told to stay away from the other and hold a minutes silence locally

its like the good aids/bad aids from brass eye

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