Ireland politics (Part 1)

Is that the young lady that was terrorised, according to FG, by SF members when she posted something critical about them?

the blueshirts can send in the heavies too

Fine Gael council candidate Dylan Hutchinson confronted by Jennifer Carroll MacNeill over derogatory Snapchat post | Ireland | The Times

Egghead recently had one of his advisers driving some doctor off Twitter.

Ah sure they all do it. I was listening to Pat Kenny yesterday, as penance for my sins, and he had a report on the goings on in the Green party. Its not a sunshine and lollipops in that party.



I should add that @raylan got very annoyed when the one (1) online story was published about it,

Don’t remember him voicing his concerns when it was the SF girl though and wall to wall new coverage on it.

That young lady is either going to grow up or face a life of many many disappointments .

She has now joined the SD and Stoops.

I see the orange folks up the North are flexing their muscles over this Article 16 debacle. Are the chickens coming home to roost for Arelene?

Who allowed the scrotes in the Converse/Vans on the right into the colour party for FFS?

Great to see Stanley crawling back out again :+1:

Is he back on Twitter?

Arlene’s seized her opportunity on the back of this poll.

The DUP were taking a pounding and Jim Allister’s TUV were picking up the scraps.

Great to see the Alliance Party on the rise


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Holy fuck that’s unbelievable.

The arrogance of this UTTER, UTTER CUNT.

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He has to go.

To the White House?

“In an interview with Neil Prendeville on Cork’s RedFM this morning”

so 2 wankers talking to each other

