Ireland politics (Part 1)

I am no Ming fan but to be fair here the young girl is involved in a party of which her dad is not involved .

this isn’t “dynasty politics “


Fair point. We’ll see how she goes with her own furrow

A Ming-ynasty

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She left the Green Party to join the Soc Dems. A lot of the youth switch political parties these days like it’s a transfer window. It was much rarer in @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s day to move from Fine Gael to Sinn Féin to The Green Party.


Politics as a virtue-signalling purity test. The trick is to stay as far away from actual decisions and responsibility as possible while still pretending you want to implement change.



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That could be posted on the US Politics thread. Or maybe any thread about politicians.

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Varadkar’s leak being investigated by the Gardai. I wonder who lodged the complaint.

Tánaiste offers to speak to gardaí over GP contract leak (via @IrishTimes)ánaiste-offers-to-speak-to-gardaí-over-gp-contract-leak-1.4484508

You won’t see that in the Irish Times

Micheál Martin needs to show decisive leadership here and force Leo Varadkar to stand down pending the conclusion of the investigation into the Tánaiste’s alleged criminal activity.


He has to go

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“Varadkar willing to speak to Gardai” was a headline I saw earlier. I’m not sure the only suspect in a criminal investigation gets to decide whether he will speak to the Guards or not.

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Jayses, I’ve an awful thirst on me tonight. I’m sippin all day so I am.

Varadkar is the greatest asset the Shinners have. You’d nearly suspect he’s a sleeper agent.


+1. It’s baffling how FG/Nazi/RIC supporters are in thrall to him. An unelected Taoiseach whose leadership has been roundly rejected by the public at the polls but there’s hardly any focus on his position. They must think the other options in the party are diabolical.

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Someone needs to have a word with Martin and tell him to stop with SF bashing.

The main headline on The Sunday Times today was a call from Michael Martin for Sinn Fein to apologise for the IRA. :man_shrugging:

Is there anyone in the Irish media willing to upset the apple cart and call it out.


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