Ireland politics (Part 1)

Will todays decision re abortion add or relieve pressure for Enda?

In a weird anomaly, pp have eamon Ryan 8/15 to win a seat but have the greens at 5/6 to get more than 0.5 seats.
ChĂ aaaaaaaaarge!


Which second member of renua do you see getting elected?

So you’re measuring public anger in ireland but you live in the states? And you think most of us have got it wrong?

Is hubby not a td?

I reckon they have a shout in Carlow /Kilkenny

Bobby Aylward and John McGuinness are shoe ins. I think John Paul Phelan will hold on and his transfers will bring in Deering. If there is a shit load if leftys running, it will not do SF any good and they wont get any transfers.
The renua lad will get some from ff and fg.
I predict he will get elected without reaching the quota

Geography won’t help Kelly. He’s based in Portroe and most of the old Tipperary North constituency, north of Nenagh is gone into the new Offaly constituency. Not sure what sort of a vote getter Kelly is. There’ll be two populist candidates to contend with in the unified Tipperary constituency in Lowry and Mattie McGrath. Kelly was in a court case about two years ago against a next door neighbour widow pensioner over a right of way over a lane. He won it, but you’d wonder how something like that would play on the ground locally.

Lowry, Mattie, Hayes, Coonan, 2 FF, Healy : - all in with a shout. Can’t see where kelly will get enough votes to be elected.

He had a great chance being a minister and absolutely blew it. Comes across very badly.

TD’s I’d like to see NOT re-elected in the next general election. Keeping it to one per party/grouping.

FG - Shatter. Cunt.

Lab - Kelly. See above.

FF - Dara Calleary. Tries to appear the new breed of FF TD but every bit as smug and pompous as any of his predecessors. Narrowly beats off competition from Niall Collins and Billy Kelleher.

SF - Aengus O’Snodaigh and his ink cartridges.

Socialists - Ruth Coppinger. Blame, blame, blame. Anti everything.

Independents/others - Claire/Clare Daly.

According to the Vincent Browne debate previewer the last seat in Offaly is between them and Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein’s best candidate isn’t running so they have a shout here. If I was putting money on it, I’d say Offaly folk would prefer to put in a second Fianna Fail lad. I’ve no idea who is running for them other than Cowne

Is one only allowed an opinion on matters Irish if one lives there? I visit Ireland often, talk to people in Ireland and you know read. It’s not that hard to figure out what’s going on there, especially politically, as not much has changed in decades (except for the emergence of Sein Fein which has the two main parties rattled).

That sounds exactly like a kev argument. Word for word.
You are of course entitled to an opinion. But it’s interesting that you would feel that most people here are wrong and that you are right. And when it comes to generally gauging the mood of the people of Ireland, it certainly helps to live here. One of your main sources is tfk, which is no barometer for irish opinion.


It’s a great barometer of Dublin based, middle class types like yourself though Juhy.

“One of your main sources is TFK”??? The only reason I can think of to use TFK as a source would be material for a stand up comedian. The posting quality is generally good here but the sample size is tiny, compared to or Not endorsing those fora, as they both have a serious amount of wankers posting, but I would think combined they are a better barometer than a site with less than 20 regular posters.
Not sure what you mean by “people here are wrong and you are right”. The point I made several posts above is that the furor regarding water charges reflects a deeper set anger, not unique to Ireland, most countries negatively impacted by the financial crisis have the same issues. The high support levels for FG/FF in polling imo reflects the lack of credible alternatives in the minds of voters. FG have done a good propaganda hatchet job on Sinn Fein, but arguing that Ireland is still stuck in 1998 or 1922 for that matter might stop working at some point.

Ah yes fitzy. However in numbers terms, pretty much half the electorate is based in the greater dublin area so that’s not a bad barometer. You’re right, I don’t know much about the feelings of a diy cashier in clonmel but that’s not much of a voting bloc.


The point you made is that there is a huge anger here that people on this site underestimate. I think most people here would agree that that anger has abated a fair bit. Protests are much smaller, ministers and tds can go about the place without being roundly abused every single time, or bring followed by a baying mob as they were. I think you underestimate irish people’s ability to go ah fuck it, after a while. And as the lads above have pointed out, a lot of people are doing better and a lot more people are working.

Hubby is a senator. I’m interested in them for a bet I have but think they are really struggling to gain any sort of recognition as a party (maybe Labane can let us know if I’m right).

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There’s may not be the violent anger there was but the people are waiting in the long grass. Why do you think a lot of sitting TDs are not running this time? The people have realised that the only way to show their anger is through the ballot box and the govt parties will be lucky to return 50 TDs between them

Quality not quantity here bud. Except for @myboyblue of course.

Didn’t the protest vote happen the last time with FF getting wiped out? Labour as the junior partner in the coalition will lose heavily, Always happens. FG will do ok, all they have to do is bang the “we saved Ireland” drum. It worked for the Conservatives in the UK (and they actually cut fuck all).

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I straddle both spectrums.