Ireland politics (Part 1)

He is the Irish version of Jeremy Corbyn. Wildly liberal and if he became leader it would likely be the final nail in what’s left of the labour coffin.

God forbid the labour party actually stood for something


Whereas the former leader of The Worker Party and an up to that point renowned Socialist Eamon Gilmore was a nice safe bet.

Laois Offaly doesn’t have a Labour TD. Laois and Offaly will be separate constituencies next year. I predict Laois will remain one FF one FG and one SF. Offaly has an extra seat which is very hard to call. They’ll have one FF one FG and last seat could be any of Renua, SF, FF or independent (recently FF, see man with beard see 1.09 below).

Quite possible although I think it might be a little too early for him. I think some within the party see o riordĂ in as very impulsive.

Anybody here John McGuinness yesterday? If you still think FF wont do a deal with SF assuming the figures stack up, think again.

Anyone hear the SF girl on RTE yesterday still equivocating about the Jerry McCabe murder - and this one of the “new breed” too.

The mask slipped big time.

Ya I was listening to it. It was kind of a wow moment. You couldn’t have much faith in a candidate that doesn’t even know her party’s position on a matter as prominent as this. Although the type of person that sees fit to award their no 1 to this candidate most propably wasn’t old enough to understand the callousness of the murder at the time and therefore it won’t register to highly with them. She sounded like a poor candidate up to that point anyway and a quick check of her Twitter profile would confirm this.

I wonder would McGuinness (John) have been so bullish about a SF coalition if she had refused to condemn the murder earlier in the programme rather than at the very end. I though Claire Byrne let her off the hook too.

The usual bullshit TSG

true, FF ruined the country, FG were given options on how to fix it and choose to hit the weakest in society rather than the richest, labour agreed with them and their only interest was feathering their nests yet somehow a girl that was a child has to answer about some cop getting killed decades ago



Ye a pile a cunts haranguing her at once she cant even get a word in,every interview with any SF candidate is the same

true, nobody asks aodhan about his links to dissidents or the murderous past of his party

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Because I, and I’d imagine plenty of others who aren’t rastoolers like yourself, have an issue with a prospective government party not unconditionally condemning the murder of a member of our police force.

The past was the past but to be still trying to justify it 20 odd years later is deeply concerning for me.

Your whataboutery is predictable and tiresome.

my whataboutery shows the duplicity of the establishment

You ignore that by taking such positions SF alienates potential voters who may be attracted by their other anti-establishment positions.

Apart from being reprehensible it’s also very stupid politics.


Sure Hughie was featured on a show about rezoning about 5 years ago, and was as brazen as you like and nothing was done about him. Coincidentally of course, last week a method was found to ease him out of the party over the Sean Conlan matter.

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This thread makes for interesting reading with some good analysis. Couple of things i’d disagree with:
~ There is overestimation as to how many Labour voters at last GE were/are left wing. I don’t see these people moving to SF in huge numbers
~ Voters don’t really differentiate between how far to left/right candidate is in a particular party. If Tuffy the fact she is slightly to left of Burton will save her she is deluded. Most of the electorate won’t have a clue about this
~ Disappointing to see so many talk about national swings/polls. Election isn’t taking place nationally

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He mugged off RTE apparently :smile:

“I knew I was being set up…I lured her into my trap,” he told the Joe Finnegan show on Northern Sound radio this morning.

“It was dirty tricks on behalf of somebody.”
He said he decided to play along with it because otherwise there “would be no show”.
“And I wouldn’t have the opportunity of showing RTE up, our State broadcaster, for what they are,” he said on the radio show.

Cllr McElvaney last night denied any wrongdoing, claiming he knew it was a “sting” but went along with it, as he wanted to expose what he described as an RTÉ “dirty tricks campaign” against him.
“I had to make it as juicy as possible or there would be no show and I had to make it quite sexy so I answered all her questions to make her interested,” he told the Irish Independent.
"It takes nerves of steel to do this. I have certainly incriminated myself but I had to do this to expose RTÉ. That’s the type of man I am. Everyone knows I would never take a bribe."



Ah thats wonderful, just wonderful!

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