Ireland politics (Part 1)

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Alright sort of the year material right there.

That is top notch stuff there in fairness.

You have to say that’s magnificent.

There were a few other bits as well, he’s caught RTE red handed:

McElvaney told Northen Sound FM that he has “caught them (RTÉ) red handed”, although he accepts that people may find it hard to believe that he was only acting.

“They’ll find it incredible, as I say, I put PJ Gallagher and Mike Murphy in the shade. I don’t require any bribes or any corruption,” he said, agreeing ‘he’s not short of a few bob’.

“It was a piss pull, it was what we call ‘taking the piss’ out of RTÉ and I proved it,” he said.

Reminds me of when Big Pussy claimed he was giving disinformation and stringing the FBI along after Tony found his wire.

Get the weights.


That’s Fine Gael for you. The same as Fianna Fáil, really, only they didn’t used to get into power as much.

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The larcenous nature of corruption, its habit of breaking in on us when we are least prepared and stealing the irreplaceable, has seldom been more sickeningly experienced than on Northern Sound Radio on Monday morning.


nice to hear you voice an opinion on matters that dont directly affect holroodhouse ray.

i dont think it was a particularly callous murder @the_mixer_walsh . the aim of the operation wasnt to shoot the cop, it was to rob the bank. it was more a case of wrong time, wrong place than a callous act.
a regrettable incident for all concerned, however as @anon98850436 has often reminded me ‘nobody has a monopoly on suffering’.
i felt she acquitted herself well and i find it admirable that she didnt get drawn into the politics of condemnation and i feel this will resonate with the electorate.

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Where is she standing for election?

A bit of an understatement.


Full audio of McElvaney’s appearance on local radio this morning.

It’s absolutely golden.



:grin::grin: Hughie has pulled off an unbelievable reverse ballhop

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First the “Mission to Prey” scandal and now they have been badly exposed by a cunning county councillor. This could be final nail in the coffin of RTE investigative reporting.

To be honest I have a lot of sympathy for those who shot McCabe, more so than the family of McCabe who seem to have ‘cashed in’ emotionally. There would appear to be a cult of victimhood at play where southern victims and their sympathisers expect the families of their shot in the north to build a bridge and get over it but when a guard is shot the fall out becomes bigger than the peace process. I have a lot of sympathy for those who shot the guard in the course of doing their (unpaid) duty and have served time and suffered much abuse as a result. Some of their personal lives have been drastically affected as we have seen in recent weeks. All in all it is a regrettable chapter in an ugly war and it would be nice to see all sides appreciate each other’s suffering and get over it. I think the mccabes are the more entrenched party at this time.


whataboutery alert!

If the idiots in RTE had thought about it logically, they would have called his bluff and landed the 10k on his desk. We might have a different story then

What? Idiots in RTÉ? They exposed him just fine. He’s added some comedy after the event but I think RTÉ satisfied their exposure mission. I’m concerned for the mental state of anyone who thinks there’s any relevance at all in his preposterous defence.