Ireland politics (Part 1)

all the political parties are shit mate,

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Monkey see, monkey do.

Imagine a system where you voted for say the minister for health on a national basis, wouldn’t it be fantastic.
You could keep some sort of Senate then with one representative from each constituency to keep checks and balances on the lads in power and make sure they didn’t get carried away.

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Fuck Federalism.

Here before you throw any more jibes do a bit of reading and educate yourself.

What a day in the High Court. A victory for democracy, a victory for Michael P. O’Higgins SC, a victory for one man’s indefatigable spirit and his sense of civic duty to continue to serve his people but above all a victory for Sligo/Leitrim and the people of Ballymote.

Former Roscommon goalkeeper Shane “The Cake” Curran is to run as a Fianna Fail candidate in Roscommon in the general election.

Who could ever have guessed such a roaster would have been a Fianna Failer.



Another death knell for Michael Martin and Fianna FĂĄil.

We had Michael Martin and Enda Kenny in Kinvara over the weekend.

Hopefully there will be some credible Independants to vote for.

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Cunts trying to make political capital out of flood victims, I presume?

Curran will probably top the poll. If he could get implicated in some tax evasion case or something in the next six weeks, he’d make sure of it.



I don’t think him topping the poll will stop the rot though.

I was making more of a point on the standard of candidate that they’re opting for.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Yeah, Photographed with the their arms around flood victims etc etc…

Did they meet Bridie from Ardrahan?

Bridie is a former FG councillor

We also have the third general election in a row where the nurses are threatening strike action.

That cunt Liam Doran is never off the air in the run up to the vote but you rarely hear from him in the intervening years.

Informative rating.
That’s how she was so well on her rights, and could confidently state she was democratically entitled to live where ever she wanted to.


Yeah, she could articulate her point well alright. In fairness to her, her house would be one of the worst affected.

In fairness to politicians, they were getting abuse over Christmas for not putting on their wellies and going to the flood areas, they’re damned either way.


Doesn’t Deputy Cake have some sort of flood defence mechanism company?

She shouldn’t fucking live there then. My house is blighted by being in England. I don’t expect the Irish taxpayer to sort it out for me.