Ireland politics (Part 1)

How would other prisoners take to Mick in prison? Could be appealing to prisoners on account of the long flowing curly hair?


How long is he likely to get? Could it be possible that Mick could be re elected while doing porridge?

Mick Wallace has been arrested for entering into Claire? Heā€™s a braver man than most.

I know the person who initiated and advised them on the publicity stunt at the airport and how the whole thing was to go down in terms of being seen and making the issue public. It has worked big time for them in fairness.

ā€œBreaking intoā€ an airport wearing high viz jackets whilst newspaper paparazzi photograph them? :joy:


The only surprise is that itā€™s taken so long for this criminal to see the inside of a prison (however briefly)

Wallace is a shitbag of the highest order.


Do you reckon your mate Paddy would fancy him?

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Ah lovely :pint:


UNDER pressure Donegal County Councillor John Oā€™Donnell will dress up as Santa for a delayed Christmas night for residents of Kilmacrennan this Saturday.

Cllr Oā€™Donnell has been under severe political pressure since being caught out by an RTE Investigates team a week ago asking for money in return for political favours.

He has since apologised to fellow councillors but defended what he says was a business meeting with the undercover journalists.

Cllr Oā€™Donnell was at the switching on of the Christmas lights in Downings last weekend.

And he has told friends he will make another public appearance this Saturday night in Kilamcrennanā€¦dressed as Santa.

The Coca-Cola truck will be in the town after a previous planned appearance 10 days ago was cancelled due to flooding in Kilmacrennan.

Cllr Oā€™Donnell is one of the main sponsors of the event.

Despite the embarrassing allegations, the independent politician is getting support from voters - particularly in his native Kilmacrennan and in Downings where he lives.


All politics is local and it doesnā€™t matter one jot to him what people outside of his own little fiefdom think.

Indeed, what a headline though!

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And thatā€™s why Collins will always get your number 1.

@TreatyStones is not influenced by parish pump politics. He just votes fianna fail regardless.

Anybody who simply goes to the ballot box for a General Election and votes for the local man, rather than based on policies and track record of the party on a national level has no right to express disgust at political corruption in any guise.

They are asking for it.

Youā€™re familiar with the Irish psyche though right?

Yes, thatā€™s why Iā€™m making this point.

You get that, right?

Weā€™d have to shut down TFK for a start. And spare a thought for all these fellas who set up Facebook Pages to give out about politicians and Irish Water. What will they do?

And donā€™t get me started on

I wonā€™t.

Too late. Cunts. I bet thereā€™s loads of women over there, most likely Chinese.

The way Irish politics is setup you have two choices, vote for the man/woman or vote for the party they represent.
People who vote for the party blindly ignoring the idiot they have put up are as bad, if not worse, than those who vote for the man ignoring the party. Thatā€™s how weā€™ve ended up with so many retards up there like nodding dogs. At least the likes of Healy Rae represented his constituency on a national level. Most of them donā€™t open their traps because they know there are ten more stooges to take their place, if they open their mouths, come the next election.

Under your system of looking only at the party we should just vote for the party we like the most and let them drop in whatever gombeen they want after.

People should vote for competent politicians not just the one in the right party. Although thatā€™s not easy in Ireland.
Thankfully I can vote for Michael Noonan, he gets it done on a local and national level.

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Michael Noonan auctions the nationā€™s sovereignty for the golden circle of the elite West Brits in Irish society.

Iā€™d agree somewhat in that you should vote for legislators and not lobbyists like Healy Rae who was really just a County Councillor operated in a TDā€™s position.

The system Iā€™d like to see in place is one, first past the post elected in each constituency and the PR List system employed to fill the other seats so youā€™d have two votes, one for the constituency and one for the party.