Ireland politics (Part 1)

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Going by the Sunday Indo (someome left the app open on my phone) interview , John Halligan will be gone from government before the end of tomorrow. The article reads like he answered the phone to them on his way home from the pub.

But he also said: ā€œI am steadfast in my refusal to be intimidated by Fine Gael. I will not back down.ā€

He added: ā€œI donā€™t want to bring down the Government. But if it takes that, I will have to.ā€

The junior minister said: "I am not going to be f***ed over by anybody. I donā€™t care if it is the man on the street or some guy threatening me. And you can print that.

"Somebody said to me during the week: ā€˜Sometimes you have got to bite down and suck up.ā€™

"Well, John Halligan does not bite down and suck up for anybody. And you can print that. And I donā€™t give a damn. Iā€™ll face down anybody

Mr Halligan said: ā€œWhat they should do now, if they believe I am destabilising the Government, is put me out. F*** 'em. Put me out. I donā€™t care. If thatā€™s what they want to do, put me out. But I know what I am doing is right and honourable.ā€


Waterford gets what Waterford deserves at times

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Halligan may be rough around the edges and he may look like Barry Mcguiganā€™s Da but Iā€™d take him over that smarmy cunt Simon Harris any day of the week.

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Bit naive painting himself into this corner though. Admire his principals and all that but he will do a lot more good for Waterford remaining in government and using this as leverage in the future with FG than he will be walking away now. Thatā€™s just politics

Thatā€™s the sorta attitude that gets Waterford nothing. Harris has gotten more power in about 5 years than 4 TDs for forty years have achieved for Waterford (with the exception of Martin Cullen)

Itā€™s snivelling little cunts like Harris that has the country ruined. A 30 odd year old with a journalism degree in charge of health. No wonder the health system is a shambles with the way politicians treat it.


Yep he was bequeathed a world class service by the two doctors who were the previous incumbents in the job.


Youā€™re right. Better that a 50 something glorified councillors come along and insists he knows better than an independent review carried out by a medical professional. Now thatā€™s a way to run a country.

What a clown. These Independents are a waste of time.

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This cunt was waiting for the first excuse to drop out. Heā€™ll have a grand handy time now for the rest of the term of government scratching his balls in opposition.


Stephen Donnelly could be in government fairly rapid

I see the vile Regina Doherty is heaping praise on egghead on the week in politics now.


She a horrible auld cunt alright


This cunt is worse than Lowry. He wants millions wasted on a new clinic when all they need is a few new nurses and for the consultants to cancel their golf four-balls on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday lunchtimes. Of course him getting reelected is far more important than depriving the rest of the countryā€™s health service.

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Unfortunately thatā€™s how politics works in this country. The elected tdā€™so need to bring home the baby on for their constituency or at least be seeing to be fighting for it.

In saying that the south East has been neglected by successive governments.

The health service has been made a mess off because of party political shit. Handing out crumbs here there and everywhere.

The thing with Harris is that he has no experience and is at the total mercy of vested interests. The other 2 at least had some experience and could have been expected to make somewhat independent decisions and we know how that turned out

Itā€™s funny the way he goes on about bringing down the government, as if Shane Ross is going to give up his Cabinet seat over some hospital thing in Waterford.

I said this around time of election. Should have made Health a non political role and appointed an outsider (Canada or somewhere) as minister for health.

Would have suited FG down to a tee you would have thought itā€™s so toxic

Given the shallow depth of TDs they were picking from, it was painfully obvious that they should have used the Constitutional provision to have two senators in government. Make them non political taoiseach nominees, experts in particular fields. But that would have meant two more aggrieved FG TDs without jobs, so no chance.