Ireland politics (Part 1)

Heā€™s a natural Fine Gaeler.

He comes out well from it in fairness.

The Indo article is alluding to him joining Fianna FƔil, that would be a major coup for Martin.

heā€™d need to get him to the front bench as quick as possible in order to get him on the airwaves ahead of the next election. If they could hold Pat Caseyā€™s seat with his transfer as well then it would return the problematic constituency to a two-seater for them.

He has the same stance as FF on water charges but differs on the abortion issues from what I can make out. The Greens might be a better fit for him but heā€™s unlikely to take a chance on them.

How so? Because heā€™s pro-business?

Heā€™s for the abolition of Irish Water, anti-vulture funds and pro-abortion reform.

Think he might be a better political analyst than a politician.


He has a great way about him. Content does not matter.

Considering that he walked from the Social Democrats for that reason I think youā€™ll find that content is extremely important to him.

I dunno @croppy_boy. He walked from the PAC, didnā€™t he? He walked from talks about government practically before they started. Now heā€™s walked from the Social Democrats. It might be that unless absolutely everything is how he wants it he strops off. Choosing to start a party with others who have very different views to you is crazy.


IIrish politics is indeed tribal. But itā€™s also highly personal. So thereā€™s plenty of big votes out their for big characters. Ireland is full of ā€˜fuck you all, we know heā€™s a cunt but heā€™s our boy!ā€™ and ā€˜Thatā€™ll show them up in Dublinā€™ about Irish voters. Think McDaid, Lowry, Collins, The Healys Rae. Greystones and itā€™s environs is full of people who have done well and think themselves cerebral. And you canā€™t get more cerebral than his dome.

Donnelly talks a good game. I am not surprised by him leaving the SDā€™s, I didnā€™t he fitted with Murphy and Shortall. Be interesting to see if he will go to FF or FG now.

Apparently he didnā€™t want to and thatā€™s a large part of the reason heā€™s leaving now. The stance on Apple was the straw that broke the camelā€™s back as he was taking August to thinks things over.

Every party is going to feature people with very different view, you just need to be able and willing to compromise yourself up to a point once you share the same core values and ideals. It looks like he found the point of no return and though it better to depart the scene rather than get further into a situation that he didnā€™t like or agree with.

Heard that. A lovely spin that came out today. I reckon we would have heard a lot more about that before today if it were true. Youā€™re being awful kind to him. Are you in the chromedome club with him and @artfoley?


No I have a lovely head of brown hair thatā€™s going nowhere.

Iā€™d be skeptical as it seems like Murphy and Shortall were ready to go with their statement very quickly and they were clearly trying to paint him in a bad light.

Iā€™d liked the Social Democrats when the seemed to aspire to his sensible thought on economics and the ideals of the other two on social and ethical affairs. Now all bets are off. If Eamon Ryan has any sense heā€™ll be on the phone to him this morning to see if thereā€™s common ground that they can find.

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The demographic of Donnellyā€™s vote isnā€™t hugely different to that which voted for the likes of Lucinda Creighton, Michael McDowell, the Green Party or South Dublin Labour candidates in 1992 and 2011. Itā€™s a largely middle class vote. That has always been a fickle vote. A candidate relying on that type of demographic can easily top the poll at one election and find themselves losing their seat the next time.

Itā€™s very different to the rural McDaid/Lowry/McGrath/Healy Rae votes.

But thereā€™s also a sizeable young, left-leaning, anti-establishment element to Donnellyā€™s popularity (some of it crosses over with the middle class demographic) and if he switches to Fianna Fail most of that will desert him.

If Donnelly did switch to Fianna Fail heā€™d basically be gambling that peopleā€™s memories are very short.

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As an aside, I see the adorable Keith vaz has been out looking for badgers.


Think you should move that one to the ā€œRavenousā€ thread Flatty

@Big_Dan_Campbell 's former MP

Looks like weā€™re going to collect the 13BN and hold it in escrow.

I presume Apple will just send an IOU?

Insert generic ā€œthat money was just resting in my accountā€ quip and/or optional meme here.

I like Lise Hands description

Thatā€™s not how schrodingers cat worked. He was dead and alive. If he was dead and also simultaneously dead heā€™d just be dead and thereā€™d be no mystery. Poor analogy.