Ireland politics (Part 1)

Well… if this actually happened its pretty damning.

One source cited a recent jobs announcement in Dublin. “Her job is to sit with the big American guy, schmooze him, tell him he’s a great fella and tell him her door is always open,” he said. “She turned up late, hardly spoke to him and left early.”

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He should have promoted Kate

I have it on good authority that she is completely useless and a laughing stock within her department.


I think the real problem is one of pure numbers due to the nature of minority government. Is it 11 or 12 FG ministers from 50 odd TDs? Throw in the junior ministers and close to half the Dail party is in a ministerial role. Given the nature of our electoral system, I don’t think the talent pool within either of the two big parties would ever have been deep enough to sustain that without some questionable looking appointments.

That and the fact that enda the poisonous cunt did a big reshuffle to fuck a load of people. He was more interested in the politics of it than who would be a decent minister

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The fact that she can’t drive either should have been a show stopper

What was MMOC before becoming a TD? Not another teacher?

Primary teacher

Ffs sake another one. That’s the issue there. Primary teachers need to stick to teaching kids.

School principal.

I had a conversion with a teacher lately and I offered the view that one of the big things wrong with politics in this country is there are too many ex teachers who are now politicians and in most of cases they are unqualified, in some instances wholly unqualified. We need business people, doctors, law people etc to be our politicians, where possible. Teachers are institutionalised and ‘in a box’ I said and their education was geared towards teaching kids, which isn’t suitable to the world of politics. I also think many of them are narrow minded. I was told this was grossly offensive to the ears of a teacher that they would be deemed incapable of entering the world of politics.


Teachers are usually the only people out there with enough time on their hands to get involved in politics. The other professionals you mentioned there would generally be too busy to get involved.

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Its easy to chip away from the cheap seats, but these useless cunting teachers are the ones who get up and go for the job. Imagine some of the moaning cunts they have to listen to in their clinics? Christ, they deserve ever penny.

I was talking to a friend of Mrs Pox today who works in the IDA. She basically said MMOC is a walking disaster and has no idea of her brief.

She told a good story of how MMOC was speaking at LinkedIn HQ. She continously referred to LinkedIn as “link me in” about a dozen times in her speech. This despite her advisors stopping her a few times
to tell her of her mistake.


Sure all you have to do is take one look at her to see she is an absolute plank. Didn’t she drive down the plinth of Leinster House for fuck sake.

That sounds more like a lecture than a conversation.

Agree with every word though

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I always laugh at this argument. We have had plenty of business people in the dail. Liam Lawlor, Michael Lowry and Jackie Healy Rae were all savage businessmen. We’ve had lawyers aplenty too. Michael McDowell, Alan Shatter and Brian Lenihan and Brian Cowen (solicitor) spring to mind. Cowen/Lenihan’s professional acumen was excellent for the country. And we’ve had doctors too of course. James Reilly anyone??
You can be an incompetent politician with previous training in any walk of life.


Maybe we need more horse trainers in the Dail?

Dead right. If the likes of Charles Byrnes could be persuaded to pull his next sting for Ireland we could put the house on it and clear the national debt.