Ireland politics (Part 1)

You make that sound like a bad thing.

That would make a good GAA man

O’Leary should be running the country

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As a die-hard Sinn FĂŠin and Fine Gael supporter this twitter interaction is beautiful to witness:


Kate O’Connell is a fine woman. I doubt she has dandruff. I’d say Mary lou is riddled with all sorts.

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Kate has a pharmacy as well she definitely doesn’t do dandruff

+1. I’d say she’s as clean as a whistle.


That made my Monday.

And yet, it’s always these fuckos that have a closet stacked with Skeletons - there’s no one on earth clean, some people just hide it better than others.


Any chance they’d get cunts like Zappone to use public transport rather than using her car to drive the scenic route to get the outside Dublin TD rate.


Great clip on the news earlier of James Reilly from 2011. He looks straight at the camera and promises the people of Ireland they will never again see a situation where there is 576 people waiting on trolleys in our hospitals.

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Well he was right wasn’t he?

Simon Harris was caught rotten by yer man Ken Foxe’s FOI request today. Yesterday on Six One Harris was saying levels of old people being admitted to hospital with flu was unprecedented, so high it couldn’t have been predicted or planned for. Foxe got hold of a HSE report from last Autumn which warned Department of Health about it. The DoH asked them at the time to downplay it and focus on positive initiatives.

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Harris is starting to be exposed as the typical minister for health. Saying all the “right” things but not actually making an iota of difference to the situation on the ground.

Edit: I suppose thats just a typical politician

A genius move by Kenny. Throw another one to the dogs before he gets too big for his boots

I dunno, Kenny :cupid: Harris

No one will ever sort the HSE out, no one.

I’d sort it out.

@Flano would sort it out like he sorted out that rabbit.

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