Who votes for these clowns
Tony gale and Gail from coronation Street
A tree mendous idea she reckons
This country is fucked
who votes for Senators? very few
The upper classes and nepotism
We had our chance to dump the thing and the people spoke - the bastards !!
Voting no was a good choice but it was promised there will be reform. Eliminating or recuding the taoiseachs picks is a good start and expanding the university vote is another.
I would be in favour that no political party candidates can run fornthe various boards etc
simple solution would be alignment of elections and making it that if you are seeking a higher electoral position i.e councillor to seanad, or seanad to TD that you have to resign your seat first
Agreed some useless cunts are voted out in thenGE put get a cusy number
The man who’s idea it was refused to campaign for it. Only in Ireland
Who was that ??? BPH ???
An Teeshock himself
Anyone that thinks the body politic really wanted the Seanad gone lives in cloud cuckoo land tbh
Fine Gael have delivered an economic miracle.
surely you mean the Commission