Ireland politics (Part 2)

What were your issues with this again @artfoley? I

He didnā€™t elaborate when asked. And he seems not to understand the legislative process. In fairness he did compile some data for 3 pqs in a week there a while back so heā€™s probably tired.


Which part of the legislative process do you think Iā€™m misunderstanding?

Iā€™m fairly sure that scoresettling and self pitying speeches by screw up ministers doesnā€™t feature in the cabinet handbook

The whole records sealing fuckup, excluding survivors from the redress scheme.

Werenā€™t you giving out about the adoption records bill?


Just a question, I thought I recall you giving out about it and that this is what @Juhniallio was bringing up.

Yes I was giving out that ogorman had funked up what should have been an open goal easy win and instead created more suffering for survivors

The part where a minister introduces a bill and then sits quietly listening to speeches from any td that fancies it, and then responds to the issues they have raised.

Did you watch his speech today?

no, i went on your description. unless youre now saying that your report on the speech was a not a true reflection of what was said. in any event, ill check the dail record tomorrow

Handy day tomorrow? No PQs?

The most bizarre reaction ever. Because I said he responded to people, as he has to do, you assumed he was like father Ted. And you didnā€™t watch it. Fair play Art. Great judgement.


pqs on a Friday? I thought you said you worked in the civil service

Ireland was some dump


That brings me back,the late 80s were fairly depressing. Iā€™m the 2nd youngest of 8 kids and all but 1 of my older siblings left for the US or London around that time with me following them in the mid 90s.


Did many of them come home again?

All but 2 of us are home now.Scattered all over the country.Cork Dublin Limerick Leitrim North and South.That video could have been made in any town in the West of Ireland in 89


Another possibility up at fartsniffer HQ

Saucer of milkā€¦ :sweat_smile: