Ireland politics (Part 2)

Conventional relationship. Are you saying same sex couples are unconventional?

Homophobic thinking like that is surely outdated for a man/woman with your worldly views

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Correct, but the person is also pushing gender neutrality as the preferred approach to parenting, an opinion which is reasonable to debate or oppose. Pushing gender neutrality on children is highly controversial.

It’s a nazi like stance - inflicting extreme ideology on others. Won’t somebody think of the children.

Non-judgmental parenting is “Nazi-like” now., say the headbangers.

“Not pushing a gender” on a child would be the correct way to describe it.

Whereas you prefer the “pushing gender” approach.

Which is your choice.

Imposing gender neutrality on a kid is “non judgemental”.

That’s the way it’s gone now, i suppose.


Calling someone with a penis a man / boy is being judgemental… The screeching left at its finest.

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Did you read the Paul Murphy article?

He specifically says he doesn’t want to impose anything on the child.

That’s the point.

It’s you who wants to impose things on the child.

How come the Chipp roasters could manage this while @Bandage’s crowd only worked themselves into a lather online?

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Your job as a parent isn’t to be an impartial observer. He’s not in the UN ffs.

He is wrong, he is imposing gender neutrality on the child. Which is his right.

So by him not imposing your ideology on the child, that is imposition?

And imposing your ideology would not be imposition?

Eh, whatever.

I think its unfair of Paul to use his baby as a pawn in his political career.

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So you’re saying that if a child is gay, the parents should impose the ideology that they shouldn’t be gay? Yes?

By that rationale Vicky Phelan used her children as pawns because she did the same article.

Interesting. I missed that. Fire up the link and I’ll assess.

Raising a child assuming their gender is aligned with their sex is the norm yes. Given that 99.7% will grow up to realise this reality, I would say it’s the prudent approach.

I am fully aware that a queer, non binary, polyamorous individual disagrees with me, but I’m OK with that.

It used to be the norm that children should be smacked, or to assume they should grow up straight and if they didn’t grow up straight they should be either told in no uncertain terms they were straight or be disowned.

You’ll find the links to all 29 other such articles contained at the bottom of the Paul Murphy article, presuming you’ve actually looked at the article, of course.

Fallacy of false equivalence.