Ireland politics (Part 2)

Irish twitter is a nawful place.

A bizarre error. And could have used an easier excuse like “I didn’t realise she was on the panel and deleted my tweet once I saw that.”

Thats a great piece. Thanks for posting

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That would have meant pretending that there was a sensible person on the panel.

Far right activist Chocolatemice has been calling for this for some time now.

That sums up my confusion on it. I like the last paragraph too


I wouldn’t be holding out much hope for explanatory press briefings from the plinth at LH until maybe this day week. The vast majority of heavy Governmental mouthpieces will be as far from Ireland’s fair and green land as possible as they espouse (ccDMcG) the values of moving their operations to this fair isle, conveniently glossing over the houseless, homeless and healthless situation the residents are living in.

You hardly believed that to be real?

Orgy Sinn Fein sounds legit


See what happens when they go off script

I thought Charlie and Leo were allies? Just shows you them blueshirts can’t even trust each other!


Is Charlie the TD whose dad hated jews?

That’s the chap

No wonder he’s against media intrusion in to TD’s private lives.

As an aside the ‘competing takeaways’ term has me thinking Supermacs v McDonalds, hopefully he won’t use it again.


Shur look it, a lot of fellas dads hated Jews back then. A lot of fellas hate them still.

Charlie strikes me as the type that would take on his dad’s resentments but just about smart enough not to admit it.

Tbf you do adore the biggest Cunt to ever be elected to office in Ireland so I’m not sure you’re the best judge of an elected official