Ireland politics (Part 2)

Fuck you deputy stagg

Healy Rae mustn’t have had the big roasht dinner yet

Surprise Surprise from the Kwasi Doherty mob

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It’s her constituency where this far right element have taken hold. SF had 35% of the vote there last time out.

The fuck would the Shinners know about Justice and Policing?

I’d say it’s difficult enough to riot without kneecaps

Many members would have been interned without trial at the say-so of the police, and countless members of their communities were slaughtered as a result of collusion between the loyalist paramilitaries and the police force, in sectarian murders so they’d probably be a bit more invested in the subject than your good self. They might not have experienced life under a functional police force, but might have some ideas where to find inspiration, where FFG obviously do not.

Sure they ran a (kangaroo) court system for 30 odd years with a very tough punishment system - they’re big into that sort of thing


Half the instigators are Real IRA types

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Ah yeah, all those “fuck the cops” type wankers

These the ones who all claimed they were in the toilet during a violent murder?

I thought they lost Alan Ryan and a few others during the Real vs Pretend IRA feud

The only combo in town for SF is with FF.

Yeah it looks inevitable.

Strong Nov exchequer returns announced.
FFG are doing the state some service

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Who needs infrastructure when you have loads of money.


Money flowing into housing from the State has us beating our European peers on output.

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I don’t think we have any peers in housing shortage.

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