Ireland politics (Part 1)

Ffs sake another one. Thatā€™s the issue there. Primary teachers need to stick to teaching kids.

School principal.

I had a conversion with a teacher lately and I offered the view that one of the big things wrong with politics in this country is there are too many ex teachers who are now politicians and in most of cases they are unqualified, in some instances wholly unqualified. We need business people, doctors, law people etc to be our politicians, where possible. Teachers are institutionalised and ā€˜in a boxā€™ I said and their education was geared towards teaching kids, which isnā€™t suitable to the world of politics. I also think many of them are narrow minded. I was told this was grossly offensive to the ears of a teacher that they would be deemed incapable of entering the world of politics.


Teachers are usually the only people out there with enough time on their hands to get involved in politics. The other professionals you mentioned there would generally be too busy to get involved.

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Its easy to chip away from the cheap seats, but these useless cunting teachers are the ones who get up and go for the job. Imagine some of the moaning cunts they have to listen to in their clinics? Christ, they deserve ever penny.

I was talking to a friend of Mrs Pox today who works in the IDA. She basically said MMOC is a walking disaster and has no idea of her brief.

She told a good story of how MMOC was speaking at LinkedIn HQ. She continously referred to LinkedIn as ā€œlink me inā€ about a dozen times in her speech. This despite her advisors stopping her a few times
to tell her of her mistake.


Sure all you have to do is take one look at her to see she is an absolute plank. Didnā€™t she drive down the plinth of Leinster House for fuck sake.

That sounds more like a lecture than a conversation.

Agree with every word though

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I always laugh at this argument. We have had plenty of business people in the dail. Liam Lawlor, Michael Lowry and Jackie Healy Rae were all savage businessmen. Weā€™ve had lawyers aplenty too. Michael McDowell, Alan Shatter and Brian Lenihan and Brian Cowen (solicitor) spring to mind. Cowen/Lenihanā€™s professional acumen was excellent for the country. And weā€™ve had doctors too of course. James Reilly anyone??
You can be an incompetent politician with previous training in any walk of life.


Maybe we need more horse trainers in the Dail?

Dead right. If the likes of Charles Byrnes could be persuaded to pull his next sting for Ireland we could put the house on it and clear the national debt.

Youā€™re just after proving his point. Lowry is exceptionally gifted at what he does, itā€™s just a pity he turned his hand to corruption. Lawlor wasnā€™t so successful but that was down to excessive greed. You also mention Shatter and McDowell, both were highly intelligent and had a lot to offer but their huge egoā€™s got in the way. Iā€™d be no fan of FG but Reilly had an impossible job. He had to make massive cutā€™s to the health service, but couldnā€™t touch salary/wages which accounted for 80% of total cost. Destined to fail.

Teacherā€™s can offer very little as dealing with kids every day only provides experience in how to patronise the electorate, one of the few things Enda Kenny has mastered. Teaching is seen as a handy number, anyone that chooses this career path either lacks ambition or the required intellect to do something more challenging. They are not intelligent, competent or experienced enough to run a country. They should stick to the classroom. Enda Kenny being exhibit A-Z.


Point taken and not at all a bad one. The flip side of the coin is that while the salary on offer is certainly not bad for a TD, for someone successful and experienced in business it is no more than pocket money and not worth the hassle.

My point is more geared towards the unsuitability of teachers for the job. I read somewhere that Clare Daly worked in catering for Aer Lingus. Whatever you think of her politics, she is a far more impressive politician than either Kenny or MMOC.

Making her minister for jobs was a pretty reckless move by Kenny.

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Bad an all as it was, it would have been worse had he given her education.
Had she ministerial gig in the last Dail?

A bizarre viewpoint. Lowry is an excellent businessman and was corrupt as hell i.e. Unfit for public office. Lawlor was unbelievably successful, just never wanted the pain of a ministry because he had more than enough power running west Dublin planning for profit. Any truly successful business man would want nothing to do with politics as he should be able to make way more money elsewhere.
McDowell and Shatter may be highly intelligent but thatā€™s fuckall use when your ego is so big you canā€™t work with people.
You have a personal view of teachers as being patronising, which is fine (if ridiculous), thats your opinion.
My point is that someoneā€™s career background is fuck all to do with whether they make a good politician. We have enough shit TDā€™s from all walks of life.

Also, I would argue that businessmen make poorer TDā€™s for the simple reason that many of them continue to run their businesses while serving. So they are not giving their full attention to the Job they are handsomely paid to do.

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if there were just 50 tds in the country could we afford to have even 5 teachers with poor work ethic and on career breaks in there? no could we fuck. the only reason the dail is full of teachers, sandwich makers, kerb layers etc etc is because there are about 100 too many in there, hiding, ducking, diving. doing fuck all but making bad noise.
if you cut it down to 50 and forced that 50 to make the decisions to keep law and order in the country and keep everyone working and fed then youd need 50 business men with experience of how the world goes round.


Donā€™t forget the publicans as well.