Ireland politics (Part 1)


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Can you imagine him rallying troops if required ?

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Sinn fein need to get on the OIUTF wagon. There vade need it. As well as been anti vax

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It’s a demographic thing also. FFG have disproportionately older voters than SF whose base are under no threat from a virus no worse than the flu.
I wouldn’t vote SF but I also wouldn’t be arsed getting the vaccine, id take my chances on the virus.

I think both are justified actions and there is no difference between the validity of them. I still think its a pretty needless and dopey thing for a politician to be tweeting about in that way though. Especially one who’s party wants a united ireland and would need to work with unionists to achieve that.

Work with unionists?

I really don’t think you guys really appreciate what the DUP are like.

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That’s a fair point. There’s no need to needlessly antagonise them either. Leave that shit to them surely. His party leadership obviously agreed anyway.
I really do want to see fg and ff men pinned down on the equivalency of the 1916/ 1920s and the 70s and 80s stuff though.

Wouldnt that do away with the money for doing nothing train? That won’t win them votes from their faithful

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Micheál Martins new chief spin doctor on the tax payer teat is a former Sun editor. I thought he followed Liverpool? His profile pic on sm has him on a private jet living it up. Should energize the FF grass roots I’d imagine

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Disgusting, FG organised, misogynist attack on Holly Cairns TD.

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He has to go

A lot of these chumps should stay off Twitter


I enjoyed this

Why don’t they name stupid FG Clare cunt in the headline?

Is that Tiktok star Mark Moran?

Labour MPs all over the UK expressing their disgust at the denial of an inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane by the British State.

RTE too busy trying to drum up a frenzy over a tweet by a SF TD. FF and FG silent on the Finucane matter.



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Something has to be done you know, SF are doing well in the polls. I am surprised yer one Maria Cahill hasn’t been rolled out yet.


I’d say all the US tech-bros will be queuing up to listen to that :joy: :joy:

Fomer Dublin Footballer Wayne McCarthy is the member of the Irish Greyhound board who called Holly Cairns an “ignorant little girl” . Not the first bad wide Wayne has kicked.