Ireland politics (Part 1)

Joking about abortion is not a great look for a TD.

I see there was a vote tonight on the payment to student nurses during the pandemic. The outcome was all govt parties voting against the proposal to pay the student nurses. This despite the fact that student nurses need to isolate for 2 weeks when changing placement and also not being able to take up agency work to earn a few bob. And also despite Simon Harris saying they would be paid. This govt is tone deaf and their days are thankfully numbered. I hope this gets as much coverage as the Brian Stanley non story but I wont hold my breat.


Shocking if true, I remember this promise

That’s dreadful,
Any idea what reasoning was given for voting against it.

Wonder what Si has to say about it .

He probably voted not to pay them or found away not to be present for the vote. Bet if it was vote to give themselves a pay rise they would have voted that through. Hopefully the student nurses refuse to work.

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This gubbernment are thick as fuck. That would have cost them pennies in the grand scheme of what’s been shelled out


Simon Harris last spring

Simon Harris last weekend

Simon Harris last night


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Harris is one of the slimiest cunts this country has ever produced.

The Irish political equivalent of the Manchurian Candidate.


You have to hand it to the Government. Despite all the bleating from the usual suspects about how we were doing an awful job we ended up with second lowest date rate in Europe

Seems like a bad move to me. Will they need the same student nurses to help with the vaccine?

Not particularly happy to say I called this in April


Unfortunately, that’s a lie.

There are more countries in Europe than are featured on that list.

I hate Simon Harris. A virtue signaling slimeball


More like captain darling from blackadder

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You’d want to be a real dickhead to make up statistics about deaths and then try to use it to score political points.

We are 15th in the EEA for deaths per capita. Exactly mid table.

It’s a sight improved from our disastrous management of the first wave. For many months now I’ve said that NPHET have taken an ultra cautious approach, chastened by the realisation of our mismanagent of the first wave and how many deaths that caused. Taking a broader view you could say that their approach has been a success, in that we clearly lost fewer lives in the second wave comparative to other EU countries and moved down the table accordingly.

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morto for @TheUlteriorMotive


Let’s not forget the Greens are facilitating all this. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy