Ireland V Andorra

Its gas the lads on here asking why we hold McGeedy to a different standard when they dont seem to hold him to any standard at all.

Why is everyone focusing on one cross?
The real question is why are ye focusing on the pass to setup the goal.
He did little else of use in the game and actually fucked a fair few attacks. Iā€™ve great time for McGeedy as I love players that take on defenders but the man has become so one legged its a joke. Any even semi decent fullback would handle him no problem. He was pushed off the ball a load the last night aswell. Needs to strengthen up.

[quote=ā€œKIB man, post: 513351ā€]
I was only messing about resting Dunne for a Villa match ffs. [/QUOTE]

Didnt sound like it. You seemed to saying that Trap shouldnā€™t have risked him in case he got injured and is out of Houillerā€™s first game, and therefore may lose his place. It was not good for Ireland if we had another player on the sidelines. There was some sort of twisted logic behind your argument which meant that you were completely serious.

Iā€™d love to see Mcgeady score and do well.

Going by your posts on here that is just not true. You seem tio take pride when he had a poor game - bordering on obsession.

Iā€™m not suggesting McGeady has a wand of a left foot or anything but to criticise him for being one legged is bizarre. Out of all our wingers he is the one who is most competent on both sides. Iā€™ve seen him taking set pieces with both feet many times, heā€™s scored a load of goals with his left foot. His crossing can be erratic at times but most of his crosses are with his weaker foot so heā€™s more exposed there than most.

Compared to Duff, Hunt, Lawrence (who all have their attributes) heā€™s certainly more two footed, if nothing else.

He cut back in every time the last night and any decent fullback wouldā€™ve had him well sussed. Al least two times he was put through in a great position for a cross only to cut back to his good leg and lose the chance of the cross.

leaving aside your first nonsensical point, on McGeady I have rarely seen him play well so naturally I havent had the opportunity to praise him. Too often far from playing well he was actually our worst player on many occasions - under Kerr and Staunton in particular. That was when he was doing well at club level too. I think his reputation is primarily based on his performances at a very sub standard level - the SPL. Doing it against Aberdeen is a lot different to performing at international level where he has consistently struggled over a long period of time. He isnt some rookie that needs a bit of experience though he is still only 24. He is moving on towards 40 caps and still making the same mistakes he did when he was 18. I dont think he is particularly quick, his decision making is incredibly poor, he seemingly cant score, his crossing is extremely inconsistent, he gets knocked off the ball easily, has no presence - I could go on.

Iā€™d love to be proved wrong but I just dont see it and I never have.


What about all the snipes at him in Celtic threads?

What about calling him a Scot all the time?

What about generally taking pride in him having poor performances?

And my first point was not nonsensical - it pretty much paraphrasing what you said. Why on earth would you say such a thing if you were only messing?

Anyway, I really couldnā€™t be bothered with you anymore. Your retardness knows no boundaries.

Iā€™d like to watch the game again to re-evaluate. I was at the game and remember having my head in my hands and tutting a lot when he fooked up; this admittedly after a lively start from him.

If I have a chance, Iā€™ll do so and make some notes for the forum.

The post of his you quoted made perfect sense to me. I want McGeady to live up to the hype, but he hasnā€™t, yet.

He went down the outside of his man plenty of times last night. He also cut back plenty of times. Why does he keep beating defenders if he goes the same way every time? Heā€™s just as capable of doing an elastico or a stepover and going around the outside as he is cutting back.

Again, you can make some arguments on the eventual cross or whatever but heā€™s anything but predictable as far as Iā€™m concerned. If he excels at one thing itā€™s beating his man. He canā€™t do that if he cuts back every time.

People seem to forget his Champions League performances when dismissing his efforts for Celtic. Two of his best Celtic performances were against Milan in the Champions League QF (in a central role) when he was superb and against Benfica at home when he dominated the entire games. And those are two of his best performances. He was also top class against Milan at home in his first proper season, against Benfica away under Strachan, against Shakhtar at home etc.

From a casual watcher, his good performances seem to be exception rather than the norm Rocko, and he has yet to do it for Ireland, which is where non Celtic watchers are most familiar with him. Weā€™ve heard the hype, weā€™ve yet to see it for Ireland, which is incredibly frustrating because its plain to see he has something.

Iā€™m not talking about him running past some ski instructor from Andorra. Iā€™m talking about him cutting back in to cross the ball. Any decent defender would be wise to this after a few runs.

Quit livinā€™ in the past bros. This game happened ages ago.

Rocko seems to think it was on last night. How can you argue with such a simpleton.

There is a difference between seeing ability in a player and wanting him to succeed, while at the same time realising that he hasnā€™t been up to standard, and routinely hammering him at every opportunity.

The way I see it is that McGeady has clearly underperformed for Ireland, but is a player who I admire. He looks to get on the ball and create. There are parts of his game that he needs to improve (not sure if he will at this stage) but his type of football is why we all watch the game. Players like him should be encouraged - we have seen enough hackers in our time. A player with flair is very rare, particularly for Ireland.

KIBā€™s contempt for Celtic should not be ignored, but he does want the best for Ireland and heā€™s often been on here saying how he wants McGeady to succeed with Ireland.

McGeady should be encouraged, but thereā€™s no point being blind to his obviously poor performances for Ireland. McGeady has yet to do it for Ireland and its not for want of opportunities either. You say you admire him for trying things and having ā€œflairā€ whatever that exactly is, Iā€™d prefer him to do the simple things right first, getting by his man and putting a cross in rather than turning over possession from trying something that rarely if ever has come off on the Intl stage. Heā€™s never learnt to walk with Ireland, yet constantly tries to run. Its infuriating.

mcgeady is by far the beat player playing for the 26 county team now

He should try showing it some time. Ability isnā€™t worth a fuck if not used. He should have ripped slop like Andorra to shreds, he made Lawrence look like Giggs in his pomp by comparison. As I said, infuriating.

Couldnā€™t care about his contempt for Celtic - it has nothing to do with this. Having sly digs questioning a playerā€™s Irishness is hardly the view of someone who wants the player to succeed.

I think as well you are vastly overstating his poor performances. Several times he gets by his man and gets in crosses.

While there may be some degree of merit in what you are saying, I think the opposite is true as well to a certain extent. Flair players are those which get the hardest time. For instance no one on here has been routinely slagging Paul Green eventhough he contributed much less than McGeady. Why? Because we think Green is honest and McGeady is flash, and we plump for the honest one - even though McGeady contrubted much more to the cause on Tuesday night.

[quote=ā€œfarmerinthecity, post: 513370ā€]
Couldnā€™t care about his contempt for Celtic - it has nothing to do with this. Having sly digs questioning a playerā€™s Irishness is hardly the view of someone who wants the player to succeed.
[/quote]Fair enough, just clarifying.

I think as well you are vastly overstating his poor performances. Several times he gets by his man and gets in crosses.

And where exactly do these corsses end up? On Tuesday night at one stage he had left his man for dead and landed a ball on the top of the net, that was what was infuriating for me. Bad option taking, and its not like he doesnā€™t lift his head, because he does, it just makes no sense, you know he can do it, why the hell doesnt he?

While there may be some degree of merit in what you are saying, I think the opposite is true as well to a certain extent. Flair players are those which get the hardest time. For instance no one on here has been routinely slagging Paul Green eventhough he contributed much less than McGeady. Why? Because we think Green is honest and McGeady is flash, and we plump for the honest one - even though McGeady contrubted much more to the cause on Tuesday night.

Flair players get the criticism because we hold them to a higher standard, because we know they have the ability. Paul Green can barely pass a ball without falling over, so when he does what heā€™s there to do, break up play and redistribute theball, we are happy. McGeady is held to a higher standard because he is supposed to have a higher ability. Heā€™s 24, he really should be showing it at this point. Duff was causing havoc at that age, as was Robbie. We heard so much about McGeady, he has failed to deliver on the promise at this point. Iā€™m not saying he wonā€™t, but Iā€™d like him to start sooner rather than later.