Ireland V Andorra

Trap has indicated that McGeady will start again on Tuesday. 67 minutes he got yesterday should do him good and hopefully he can improve on a decent display. Fahey will hardly start so unless employed centrally. Think Trap might make a change at left back and bring in Cunningham. Other than that I don’t think he will make any changes with Green keeping his place.

Trap has named an unchanged side.

FFS, would he not give some young lad a run out instead of kilbane?

I too would have liked to have seen a change at left back but not really in Trap’s nature to pick an unproven player for a competitive match and part of our relative success has been in our continuity I reckon. Suspect if we go a couple of goals up Cunningham will be brought on. Would like to see Fahey tried centrally if opportunity arises too though perhaps Gibson is ahead of him in pecking order and he is more likely to get on out wide.

I wouldn’t quibble too much with Trap’s selection as his decisions to date have been largely justified by our improved results and displays. He hinted that McGeady and Green would be retained in his press briefings since Friday’s game but I would have been tempted to play Gibson instead of the latter. I would like to see Doyle get a goal or two tomorrow night and it’s about time McGeady got off the mark too. His shooting has been a bit snatchy and wayward for Ireland and a goal would obviously give him a good confidence boost and hopefully settle him down. I also hope Robbie Keane scores, as usual, because I admire his greatness.

I’m thoroughly looking forward to attending the first competitive game back in the home of Irish football tonight.

Ireland 4-0 Andorra
Doyle 9, 27
Keane 53
McGeady 75


very disappointing team selection. Andorra will play with a ten man defence so no point having the likes of Green on. Was time to give Foley and Cunnigham 90 mins aswell. If we get an early goal I guess it wont matter too much. Andorra +4 is 5/6 at PP. Ireland havent scored more than twice under Trap I think.

I think you’re right for competitive games anyway but we defeated Algeria 3-0 in May in the RDS.

We haven’t played a team nearly as bad as Andorra in that time but I wouldn’t be backing us to beat that handicap anyway.

Not at all surprised with the selection. The only real debate was around Green but I wouldn’t expect him to get axed after one competitive game. He’ll need to improve though. McGeady is obviously lacking a bit of match practice too but the rest will have helped him recover and I only expect him to play 60-70 minutes anyway. Could be important tonight.

Certainly wouldn’t be playing Foley and Cunningham. There is no point in making changes for the sake of it - just who would you have dropped for Foley?

What time is this kicking off?

All well and good for this game Rocko but kilbane will be found out badly against russia or slovakia, He just doesn’t have to pace anymore.

What are our options, if we don’t bring in some new lads? Shunt O’Shea onto the left and bring McShane (shudder) onto the right?

7.45 Runt.

Not too bad, I should get the 2nd half.

I’m debating the need to bring in two full backs at the same time. I wouldn’t have a problem with Cunningham getting a game, though KIB Man laughed at the idea that he should be in the Irish team a couple of months ago:

(“Cunningham has played twice for Man City. Think its ridiculous to even say he is an option at this stage. Hopefully he will come through but its too much to expect for the next campaign.”) KIB Man - May 2010

Now he wants him to start!

Russia Slovakia is 0-0 after twenty minutes. Draw would be best result I suppose

0-1 Slovakia

Slovaks up 1-0 now

Does anybody else feel sick to the stomach that this Robbie Keane fella is on the team?

Anyway, HT/FT - Draw/Ireland
Under 3.5 goals.
