Ireland v Greece - UEFA EURO 2024 Qualifying

Shocking. As soft touch as it could have been

Muscrote would be a decent manager I reckon.

RTE putting on The Snapper after another ROI defeat is tremendous scheduling

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Never trust a man who would wear runners with a suit


Kenny knows the end is coming. He didnt say anything very wrong in his interview

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For a fella who goes on (and fucking on) about debuts and how many he has handed out, as we any better than we were 18 months ago? Like Greece seem to be ok, but they are the fourth seeds in this group and were in the “C” division of the nations league yet they’ve come to Dublin and barely broken a sweat. This is SO bad. Spock doesn’t seem to know his system, his best team, or how to even make a basic tactical change mid-match.

I’ve never been so dejected watching Ireland. We, a team that are famous for being tough, are so easy to play against. If we stay as third-seeds (somehow), we will be the ones everyone wants in their group


Awful stuff. Our lack of a midfield is killing us. Cullen, Knight, Browne and Smallbone are Championship players at best.

From our decent underage teams over the last several years I am struggling to think of one player other than Ferguson who has improved since they were a teenager

Ogbene maybe? Kinda

Nathan Collins has gone back a huge amount. Cullen is decent midfielder

But …but …they are playing football the right way…Apparently.

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Collins doing ok for Brentford.

I think Spock has them cursed.

Same here. Looks a lovely ground when you pass it.

Is Cullen a decent midfielder? He has been awful recently.

I always felt Collins was very error prone but highly rated as he was good on the ball

Will smallbone is the old Sammie sausagesdzic. We love a good clamour. That was by far the worst game under aul spocky. Not one positive. Id love to see the stats on how many times ogbene has got rte man of the match? He deserved it again though in fairness.

He was decent tonight. Got his tackles in, kept it simple. He’s never going to do more. He is a tidy player

Stephen Kenny might end up back in Dundalk, although if history of Irish coaches over national teams has taught us anything it’s that their stock is usually lowered and they end up in punditry/media. Like Brian Kerr and Eoin Hand in association football or Eddie O’ Sullivan in rugby. Kenny would be Box Office for a short while on TV. He’d be painfully bad as an analyst but at the same time you’d tune in just for the excruciating watch. It would be comical.

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He’s 26. He wasn’t on the decent underage teams. They’re all still 20-23 years old.

Brilliant, these retards bate by a load of part time goat herders from Greece. Come on Ireland tonight to drive these soccer apes completely ape

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