Ireland v Netherlands - Sunday, 7.45pm

Terrible article in the main, but he has a point about MON ballsing up the Declan Rice stuff

ONeill has done a fine PR job himself to absolve himself of blame for that and Grealish

He isn’t really and it’s such an odd take.

Grealishs father wanted him to play for England.

Rice agent contacted Southgate the minute he was called into the Irish senior set up.

If either had been capped it’s very likely both would have done done a Stephen Ireland on it.

Fuck them. They chose to play with Ireland when it suited them. A dog with a mallet up his arse could see their potential. Jack Charlton would have them both capped and taken off after a minute


Looks like bad weather forecast for game

Expect to see a photo of a soaked Spock staring into the distance after a 3-1 defeat on the sport pages tomorrow


I think we’ll get a result tonight.

Per source
Andy Reid has been approached to take over Irelands national team in a part time capacity should they ship a heavy defeat at home tonight

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He’s done well at kansas city chiefs


Positive or negative?

A win. Just have a hunch it’ll be one of those nights

Get the guitar

Rice was in the fucking squad like, and MON still wouldn’t play him. If he wasn’t sure he wanted to play for Ireland, he shouldn’t have had him in the squad. Shocking from MON and he is to blame for it

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But sure hey choose not to for the exact reason you are suggesting.

100%, O’Neill an Uncle Tom.


Rices agent contacted Southgate the minute he played
A friendly.

They were fully aware of the situation and the rules.

It’s utterly bizarre lads want two English lads to be forced to play for Ireland against their will.

So so strange.

Even if they were capped they would have stopped playing for the national team after a game or two.

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Mark Lawrenson and Andy Townsend continued playing for Ireland and they were very much English men. Townsend called England “we” on ITV commentary. Grealish and Rice would have continued playing alright. I don’t like the MON bashing though. He’s vastly superior to Spock. If Tom Cannon develops into a good player in the next few years then I’d doubt there’ll be a murmur of discontent in the media with Spock for not capping him.

MON was an employee of the FAI, not Rice’s guardian.

That’s because they are garbage players.

They would in their eye have continued because it would have cost their families millions.

You think their premier league managers would keep telling them to play for Ireland when they absolutely hated it ???

Come out of the fog.

They are English. They group up in England and once they were good enough to have play for England there was only one country they would represent.

You have the strangest types on here. Whinging because two English lads won’t play for us.

I’ve never understood it at all.

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