Ireland vs Spain

The Miracle is upon us :clap:

I just played Lonesome Boatman by The Fureys on my tin whistle for TFKCSC. You never lose it. I never lost it.

Just arrived in Gdansk. The scousers are out in force buying and selling tickets. I’m sorted for a ticket but I know loads of Irish are not.

Out of interest I asked one ‘how much’…he asked how much I was willing to pay. I said face value and his reply was ‘no problem mate’.

Seemed strange that he didn’t even try haggle at all. I’d be very wary of dud tickets lads

[quote=“Bandage, post: 690690”]This regiment of TFK just gave a rousing rendition of Damien Dempsey’s Colony on the Poznan-Gdansk train. You came from Germany, from France, from England and from SPAIN…

We have very much peaked for today and should be hammered by around 2pm.[/quote]

I’ve certainly peaked. Tremendous scenes.

Great stuff lads…

But when you wake up in the morn, battered and bruised, ask your self, did you scare anyone, did you put the fear of god into anyone!

Manic, fucking, aggression!

let us not forget the overfishing of our waters by the greedy spanish fishermen. our fish stocks are dangerously low thanks to these cunts. they will pay tonight!

I think I peaked too soon. I’m not gonna make it inside the stadium. I’ll just sleep here on the ground.

I just met you met you. And this is crazy. So here’s my number. Call me maybe…

I would give my right arm to see this game tonight but I’m highly unlikely at this stage due to poorly times drunkenness and a fantastic burger and sausage bar we’ve just discovered.

Are you putting a burger and sausage above your country? Ya TRAITOR. :lol:

Jesus fucking Christ lads say it aint so :shakefist:

[quote=“tazdedub, post: 690704”]

Are you putting a burger and sausage above your country? Ya TRAITOR. [/quote]

Yes. I’m lying under the table of the burger bar now. I can’t get up. I’m close to doing a dancingbaby on it.

Lads, for the love of God will ye put away the smart phones for an hour or two and go and enjoy yourselves.

Raining now in Gdansk and looks like its going to piss down for the evening.

Well Sid its pissing rain here as well, me fuckin heart bleeds for ya’s.

Rain is easing up. Rain is easing ion Bandage is not well. At all.

I cant get excited for this match tonight. Just cant see us getting any sort of result especially after the way we played the other night. The rain will only make the pitch slicker and that will suit the Spaniards slick passing.

Alonso: “Gaelic football helped prepare me for British football”
Xavi Alonso and Cesc Fabregas have made themselves available to the World’s media ahead of Thursday’s pivotal Euro 2012 clash with the Republic of Ireland at the PGE Arena in Gdansk, northern Poland (kick-off 8:45pm CET and local time).

As the senior members of the party, Alonso and Fabregas did the majority of the talking. Alonso was initially asked about the fact that Spain played six midfielders with no recognized strikers for their opening game against Italy (which finished in a come from behind 1-1 draw) and whether he thought the tactic worked. The man who won the Champions League in 2005 with Liverpool replied by stating: ”With this formation we need to go from defence to attack and we have the players in midfield to do that. Cesc scored a great goal and though he is not a striker, he showed his quality in attack and tracking back during that game.”
When told that Ireland were complete outsiders for the game and how he felt about the fact that Ireland would likely play with two banks of four and very defensively and if he felt Spain could be frustrated, the man who spent a summer in Ireland as a teenager stated: ”I am scared of the high balls and other things. Doyle for example is very dangerous and is a very good footballer. We are familiar with many of their players. They are strong and play with a lot of heart. They are aggressive and go from back to front quickly. I hope that we will win and dominate the game, but Ireland are not simply just a defensive team.”
When asked if the fact that Spain played without any recognized strikers in their opening Euro 2012 game (against Italy), Barcelona star Fabregas replied by stating: “We trust our strikers and the way they play. We trust Llorente and our other strikers. They had no problem with the decision that was made by our manager (Vicente Del Bosque). They play for the team and if the manager decides to play the same tactics for the game against Ireland, then we will all understand that and no-one will have a problem. Sometimes it’s a question of football. We have just played one match, so we could not use all the players. If we could play 13 players, then that might be different.”
It has been stated widely that a win for Ireland would be one of the biggest results of their history. Fabregas discussed what it would mean to the Spanish to lose the game: “In sport there are many possibilities. You could win, you could lose or you could draw. If we lose we would be disappointed. We would be disappointed to lose but that is it. We will still have one game left (against Croatia) to achieve qualification from the Group. We are not thinking about losing though. If we could look into the future and celebrate the win, then we would.”
The press conference finished with Xabi Alonso recalling the summer he spent in Ireland (in Kells, Co. Meath) as a 16 year-old. He said that he enjoyed the time though didn’t pick up any of the language because ”I was struggling with English at the time let alone Irish.” He also discussed playing gaelic football and the fact that the intense physicality of the game ”helped prepare” for a British style of football which is very different and ”much more physical” than its Spanish counterpart

Gdansk is a great drinking town in all fairness. Was there for a Wedding last year and the centre of the city is more or less designed for a giant piss up. Hope the lads don’t forget to bring back their birds some nice amber necklaces

Xabi Alonso can go fuck himself.