Irelands Fittest Family

Everything was a game changer tonight.

Annaā€™s team delivered some performance on the wall sit. Families will be trying wall sits in living rooms up and down the country after the heroics tonight. Davy is a genius.

Whatā€™s the record for hang tough. Remember some young lad spending ages up there last year. 4 minutes best time tonight.

My 6 year old son, in a fit of anger watching tonightā€™s IFF called Davy Fitz a bloody dickhead.

Can you ground a child for being right?


Well he didnā€™t make that up himself


Davy with a whopper application for the misogyny club there. ā€˜You 3 lads need to hang in there. Whatever you give us is a bonus (to the girl).ā€™

What will he say to her about the pipes of pain :open_mouth:

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Davy Fitz fails to make the final of Irelandā€™s fittest family. Itā€™s been a tough year in a sporting sense for the great man. Heā€™ll rise again no doubt.


Heā€™ll use the frustration as motivation for 2ā€™22

Itā€™ll be all the more special when heā€™s standing on the steps of the Hogan with the Oā€™ Duffy cup next September.


The doubters will be emphatically silenced

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Davey Splitz. Delighted for him. His misogyny didnā€™t go down well in this house.

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We could be coming to the end of the ā€œDavy eraā€. I donā€™t know the man but heā€™s had the opportunity to be a Clare and indeed a sporting icon but seems to somehow played the cards poorly. Heā€™s managed to alienate those who would have been his staunchest allies as he pursued the fame and filthy lucre and will now reap the whirlwind.

His PR man will surely keep him on good terms with RTE and continually get puff pieces.

2021 has been a bad year for him though with the poor showing from Wexford and the spotlight being placed on his financial dealings in Clare, not to mention the Covid carry on and shamelessly going after the Galway job while they still had a manager as well. His stock in a hurling sense had plummeted since 2019.

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You had a fine informative post on him about this time last year IIRC but I regret I canā€™t locate it. To my mind heā€™s a dead duck in the management stakes.

He will get a shot somewhere. He is a good man when a team is at a low end and need rousing and that is his niche

Davy is a one year bounce man. Maybe two. Tbf heā€™d be streets ahead of a lot of the spoofers on the club circuit

Great episode tonight. That auld lad from the MMA family just didnā€™t have the dog in him.
The two teams that won the eliminators tonight were very lucky. Itā€™ll be between the other two Iā€™d say.

A great little show tbf.

The second group had it a way easier. Going through the bog looked fucking sick

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In fairness to Davy he knew we hadnā€™t a manager since Donoghue left and said heā€™d have stood aside if Donoghue wanted the job again.

The show is grand but I canā€™t really watch it with Anna Geary involved.

I donā€™t like using this word when itā€™s a lady, but she is an utter CUNT.

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