Irelands Fittest Family

Is this one of our beloved forum in jokes or do some of you lads really watch this gladiators for muldoons show? Maybe the childer in the family like watching it?


In fairness Donners is the best coach in it and it showed.

Even for the Byrnes v Bonnar eliminator, Sonia had no plan.

Hanging Tough on its own was a strange event to bring it from 3 to 2. Nearly cost the Murphys who’d been brilliant all along.

Its a great show and the lovely Laura Fox brought a new dynamic to it this year.

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Tom Devine was probably stronger.

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It’s the best thing RTE have made in a decade

Gas - you’d watch 5 minutes of this crap and wonder what kind of daddies would watch a series of this.

It’s a great family show. The 6 year old loves it and is convinced that we’ll enter it as a family. I’ll be pushing 60 when she’s able to compete but shure who cares!!


Serious competition for that award