Irish banking shares

Me man who’s a top dog in one of the Big 5 (his words - nod nod) said Davy’s would be well known as shit hot in the industry but if you weren’t wearing a Hermès tie at a meeting with them they’d be sniggering away

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Sinn Fein would put manners on these boys that’s why they’d be bad for “Buisness”


Every bond the taxpayer paid over the odds for

Davy suspended as primary dealer in Gubberment debt.

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Everyone is out to get Davy, so they are.


and rightly so!

the loss of the bond sales will start the ball rolling. id imagine lawsuits against the 16 will start very soon


Look, there are people out there, I’m not saying who they are or what they did, but they know who they are and what they did. So they do.

And they hiding behind keyboards.

As an aside I always wondered how small someone would have to be to hide behind a key board.


@TreatyStones ?

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Davy’s have closed the bond desk altogether. 4 lads let go

Them boys will get a nice redundancy

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And implicit is that some or all were part of the 16. Google the Davy page and you can quickly figure out the likely 4

The Currency pushing hard on this story and really getting into the weeds on it. You kinda feel this is at a tipping point and one more explosive story could result in the end of Davy. I’ve no doubt there are stories out there - only question is do they end up in the hands of a journalist.

Revealed: How resigned executives retain power in Davy’s offshore empire

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Who would have the capacity to buy them out if that were to happen?

Be only AIB or BOI surely…


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Its nearly a bigger scandal that this happened in 2014 and is only being acted on now.


Depends what price it was worth if and when it was sold!

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The central bank of Ireland never rush into anything to be fair.

Know a lad that used to work up there pre 2008, now he was a useless bastard, lazy as they come - cute enough to get on with a middle manager though.

I reckon the same craic is going on there with the same apes.