Irish banking shares

[quote=“artfoley”]no i’m not by any imagination calling for an end to stock indices, but look at the state of anglo as an investment option and the only type of people who invested in this would be bottom feeders or asset strippers i.e wall street not main street and in as such I have n o sympathy for them

the lads from dell have been paying tax for years and have probably paid more tax than the investors who put money in a dead duck bank in which the extent of it’s fuckedness is not fully known but is well aired in public[/quote]

But if you want the stock indices then you have to respect the rules and you can’t just wipe out the value of a company because you’ve no sympathy for the investors involved. Sympathy and sentiment don’t come into it.

Whether Anglo investors or Dell employees pay more tax is irrelevant. There are plenty of PAYE workers who have investments in the banks through pension funds, dabbling, employee stock ownership plans etc. They’ve paid tax. The employees of Dell deserve sypmathy and I think should receive training grants and assistance. And they most likely will.

[quote=“artfoley”]no i’m not by any imagination calling for an end to stock indices, but look at the state of anglo as an investment option and the only type of people who invested in this would be bottom feeders or asset strippers i.e wall street not main street and in as such I have n o sympathy for them

the lads from dell have been paying tax for years and have probably paid more tax than the investors who put money in a dead duck bank in which the extent of it’s fuckedness is not fully known but is well aired in public[/quote]

This is one of the most ridiculous posts Iv seen on TFK

fuck off dan or i’ll set farmer on you :smiley:

Brian Goggin, Bank of Ireland Chief Executive, has announced that he’ll be resigning from his position in the summer.

AIB and BOI are taking a bit of a hairy aping on the stock market this morning.

AIB/BOI to be nationalised before next weekend anyone??

AIB at 55c earlier

Unreal. Are the markets just getting rid because they reckon they’ll get nothing in the event of nationalisation?

At BOI at 40cent at the moment.
A drop of 50% today so far, after opening up at a weak enogh 80cent.

I can remember the 80s, vaguely. I remember not having too much money and no holidays etc, but it seems we dug our way out of it with help from the EEC and the fact that bar Charlie, the Irish poeple woudl back each other up when it came to work.
Now there are thousands of bankers and propery dicks who would screw hundreds of families and milk every cent from people, above and beyond fair play.
I think every FF councillor will be out on his ear come local elections.
It’s a joke of a government and seeing these board members “retiring to let other take the post” is a joke. They should all be in jail.

With AIB/BOI this low today, is the bet that they will be nationalised?
Most of the countrys pensions are in there.

At this rate, poeple will forget about private pensions. They will just save a bit and go on holidays and have the government pension when they get older.

Yours in rage at the way the country is being run(not being run),

“Our wealth-creators should be rewarded and admired, not subjected to levels of scrutiny that known criminals would rightly find offensive”.

“The increasing burden of corporate McCarthyism and business regulation is threatening the entrepreneurial zeal that has made the Irish economy the envy of the world”.

“Much of the nonsense being peddled by the media could fuel the anger of many of those who have FAILED to benefit from our economic success thus far. The media must be held accountable”.

Anyone guess who came out with these beauties?

Yours etc,

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Our wealth-creators should be rewarded and admired, not subjected to levels of scrutiny that known criminals would rightly find offensive.

The increasing burden of corporate McCarthyism and business regulation is threatening the entrepreneurial zeal that has made the Irish economy the envy of the world.

Much of the nonsense being peddled by the media could fuel the anger of many of those who have FAILED to benefit from our economic success thus far. The media must be held accountable.

Anyone guess who came out with these beauties?

Yours etc,

He he he

Sean Capital F itz Capital P atrick maybe??

He is some buachaill

The country is going to hell.
Greed and lies and corruption.
Sadly, no punsihment for those responsible.
We have the weakest government ever.

Yours etc,

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Indeed.
The country is going to hell.
Greed and lies and corruption.
Sadly, no punsihment for those responsible.
We have the weakest government ever.

Yours etc,

According to yesterdays papers some legal practice in Dublin has commenced civil proceedings against Fitzy, the auditors and the Regulator on behalf of a few disgruntled shareholders.
This long long road may sadly be the only way punishment will be dished out to the cunt.

It may be the only way. Like you say, the government are so toothless it’s unbelievable.

But Anglo is the builders bank and it’s not the same as AIB and BOI.
The builders pay the government.
It’s all a giant sleezy mess. In a nutsheel a very small minority of people have completely and utterly screwed the country. The actions of those in charge of Anglo have lost the trust of any investors in any Irish bank.
If the bosses are messing around then the auditors will catch them, but if the auditors don’t notice millions flying in and out and the regulator says nothing either, then of course no-one will trust irish banks.

There are peoples pensions being wiped out (who are retiring soon) all becuase of a small number of people riding Ireland.
They should all be thrown out of the country.

Yours in serious rage,

Most of the accountants with audit experience i know are on this board and if they’re the standard of accountants in the country i’m not suprised all those millions floating in and out of Anglo every year were missed. Basically the country is fucked because of people like bandage, rocko, farmer and clarkey.

We were watchdogs not bloodhounds Jugs.

My sample sizes were compliant with internationally accepted auditing principles and my hands are therefore clean.

Surely AIB will go tits up aswell soon, according to their latest advertisement on TV they are throwing loans out to surfers these days.

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]But Anglo is the builders bank and it’s not the same as AIB and BOI.
If the bosses are messing around then the auditors will catch them, but if the auditors don’t notice millions flying in and out and the regulator says nothing either, then of course no-one will trust irish banks.

There are peoples pensions being wiped out (who are retiring soon) all becuase of a small number of people riding Ireland.
They should all be thrown out of the country.

Yours in serious rage,

If auditors were independent then fair enough they might pull directors up but they are not so they can’t. Audit firms are engaged on these big accounts for years and as a result the fees are like annuity revenue. Add on the cross selling for consultancy and tax advice. Any audit partner would shit himself at the thoughts of losing the fees by actually challenging the client. Instead they will hide behind a poxy Letter of Representation which says that basically everything the directors say is true and the numbers are fairly stated blah blah blah. Your average trainee accountant nowadays hardly knows a debit from a credit, a sign of the decline in educational standards all around. But shure what does it matter once you can charge the cunt out for a couple of hundred an hour and the fees keep rolling in? Your average audit firm hardly keeps any working papers for fear they might get into trouble some time in the future and be sued. Self regulation my hole. And then the ICAI will write to me looking for 500 odd Euro for a sub to an organisation that is little more than a glorified golfing society. And hassle me to pay for over priced continuous professional education. They might want to educate the audit partners first. The fact that all the major bank shares have been wiped out is kind of at odds with what the recent financial statements of the banks might suggest. No auditor should keep an assignment for more than three years maximum.

Bob Geldof was right 30 years ago, a fucking banana republic. The country is in worse shape now than it was in the 1950’s.

I dont live in Ireland any more but I see the news getting worse and worse from home every day and I just despair.

Talking to a lad in KPMG Dublin today, he’s quite worried about his job. KPMG London are putting lads on sabbaticals on 30% pay. No deals going on in the city so no one needs tax advice…

You’d have to be worried about this country really going down the tubes, I mean bank failures, massive dole queues, 80% drop in house prices, even the biggest doom merchants weren’t calling that even 6 months ago. My strategy if I get the bullet is go straight down to look for a job in my local betting shops. No way I’m going onto the Jam Roll.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Talking to a lad in KPMG Dublin today, he’s quite worried about his job. KPMG London are putting lads on sabbaticals on 30% pay. No deals going on in the city so no one needs tax advice…

You’d have to be worried about this country really going down the tubes, I mean bank failures, massive dole queues, 80% drop in house prices, even the biggest doom merchants weren’t calling that even 6 months ago. My strategy if I get the bullet is go straight down to look for a job in my local betting shops. No way I’m going onto the Jam Roll.[/quote]

I was talking to a few people working in KPMG as well at the weekend. The ones doing there final exams in September have already been advised to keep their eye on the market place as there is no guarantee of their contracts being renewed. The first batch of contracts is up for renewal in March and they reckon there could be a good few getting the road. Already anyone who failed a repeat exam was given the boot.