Irish banking shares

I’d say lads without a contract are fooked Runty. Sad to see, as there’ll be alot of academically and intellectually useful lads falling out of the working economy. I know a few young architects, solid professionals, who got the bullet. Having lads like that on the dole is a crying shame.

Was talking to a careers officer in the college today and she told me that they expect that 30% of all new students next year will be mature students…

It said in the paper at the weekend that by march 41% of the architects in the country will be unemployed. It was already up to 37% for the end of December. I know a husband and wife who are both architects and both have been let go in the past few months. I can imagine the number of applicants for any jobs that are becoming available at the moment must be mental.

Jaysus this is turning into a gloomfest! One more before bed, I know a lad let go by a big city firm in September hasn’t worked since, with a mortgage of 700k and a wife on maternity… She’s a public servant. How they keep going I’ve no idea. Her father is monied but jesus that house isn’t worth anything like that now. Big bail out needed there.

One “big city firm” has left off over 100 architects/technicians/project managers in the last 6 months

This fella was let go by Davy’s. A stockbroker.

my gf has been working for one of the largest architecture firms for three years since finishing college, since october they have let go 40% of staff and are letting more go end of jan, also large paycuts and shortened weeks. they seem to be keeping young “cheap” staff and letting go long term employees

[quote=“balbec”]If auditors were independent then fair enough they might pull directors up but they are not so they can’t. Audit firms are engaged on these big accounts for years and as a result the fees are like annuity revenue. Add on the cross selling for consultancy and tax advice. Any audit partner would shit himself at the thoughts of losing the fees by actually challenging the client. Instead they will hide behind a poxy Letter of Representation which says that basically everything the directors say is true and the numbers are fairly stated blah blah blah. Your average trainee accountant nowadays hardly knows a debit from a credit, a sign of the decline in educational standards all around. But shure what does it matter once you can charge the cunt out for a couple of hundred an hour and the fees keep rolling in? Your average audit firm hardly keeps any working papers for fear they might get into trouble some time in the future and be sued. Self regulation my hole. And then the ICAI will write to me looking for 500 odd Euro for a sub to an organisation that is little more than a glorified golfing society. And hassle me to pay for over priced continuous professional education. They might want to educate the audit partners first. The fact that all the major bank shares have been wiped out is kind of at odds with what the recent financial statements of the banks might suggest. No auditor should keep an assignment for more than three years maximum.

Bob Geldof was right 30 years ago, a fucking banana republic. The country is in worse shape now than it was in the 1950’s.

I dont live in Ireland any more but I see the news getting worse and worse from home every day and I just despair.[/quote]

Agree with every word of that. The auditing structure is a joke. It’s designed to be a source of revenue for accounting practices not to serve any useful function for shareholders or the general public.

We won’t have the balls to change anything on our own there. It seems like if the UK hasn’t done something then we’re not willing to take the risk.

AIB have taken even more of a hammering today. Shares are down over 30% again today, being as low as 0.29 at one stage.

Morgan Kelly from UCD said last week that “there is a massacre about to happen in the IFSC that is going to make Dell look like a birthday party.”

Morgan Kelly has an article today that makes for very very grim reading:

You could read it. Or it can be summarised in 3 words “We are Fucked”

[quote=“The Runt”]Morgan Kelly has an article today that makes for very very grim reading:

You could read it. Or it can be summarised in 3 words “We are Fucked”[/quote]

is that all of us runty or are you just generalising?

hes quite the bundle of joy is Morgan kelly. I saw recently he reckoned house prices would be back 80% from their peak values before too long.

IMHO thats a pile of cock. A 1m property in Ranelagh will never again be worth 200k. Now while that is a specific example, Mr Kelly threw out a complete general example which is no less representative of the property market.

He could be right about the IFSC alright, I know a few places in there have let plenty go and are starting to outsource all the admin jobs to India and places like that.

I have noticed a few things that will stimulate the market and I think we’re over the worst of the recession.

That’s great news Bandage, is it time to buy bank shares yet?

Are you going to share them Bandage no? I noticed you were rushing around with an important looking folder under your arm earlier, your fooling no one though.

I think your right Bandage, BOI shares now look like they are actually going to close higher than what they opened. The recession is dead.

Whatever Bandage did it worked, I nominate Bandage for Minister of Finance and Funtimes

and funboys:D

Bandage when economists talk about seeing green shoots, they mean metaphorically not Snowdrops poking their heads up through the frosty ground.