Irish banking shares

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]ACCA ACA, ICAA, IBA,etc should revoke all their memberships

Make the fuckers resit their exams, then we’ll see just how useless they always were.

Resigning or getting sacked is no dillema when you’re walking away with a handshake and pension that would make Bertie drool.[/quote]

In fairness Maire the ICAI is only a glorified golfing society

That I dont know, it doesnt appear from what we are hearing that this was highlighted in the report as being a key issue

We’ll agree to differ. There hasn’t been a lot else for him to be doing over the last few months except worrying about Anglo-

Exec sum or not 7bn is a massive figure. How much did they have on deposit? In anybody’s language it was a large number, even a solicitor should be able to work that one out



Fair enough.

Think they had about 50 bn on deposit

[quote=“dancarter”]Fair enough.

Think they had about 50 bn on deposit[/quote]

7bn out of 50bn is a high percentage

Apparently the report didn’t have a glossary explaining the terms “loan” and “deposit” so we can forgive him for not copping what had happened.

some common sense from the ODCE, he seems to think that, surprisingly enough, that Sean Fitzpatrick’s financial meandering was illegal. hopefully now no pussyfooting and a file to the DPP, then the guards to arrest the fucker at about 5 in the morning so the papers canhave pics of him looking dishevelled, unkempt and in cuffs

I see this morning that Anglo gave out 300 million in loans to a few lads to buy shares in a “sweetheart” deal.
Now the Irish Taxpayer has to take on this debt as the shares are worthless.
Honestly, these guys have to be kicked out of the country.
They don’t deserve to live in the same country and call themselves “Irish”.
The harm they are doing and have now done to families across Ireland is shocking. I once was calling for them to be put in prision btu thats too good. They should be kicked out of the country.
Yours etc,

STV report on RBS crisis:

Is that a nipple at 1:50 or some light shining through the button hole?

Perverts, please decide.

[quote=“Bandage”]STV report on RBS crisis:

Is that a nipple at 1:50 or some light shining through the button hole?

Perverts, please decide.[/quote]

Unfortunately the latter Id say

She is a durty looking bird though !!!

[quote=“Bandage”]STV report on RBS crisis:

Is that a nipple at 1:50 or some light shining through the button hole?

Perverts, please decide.[/quote]

Tough one to call but I think it’s light coming through the button hole.

[quote=“Bandage”]STV report on RBS crisis:

Is that a nipple at 1:50 or some light shining through the button hole?

Perverts, please decide.[/quote]

for me thats a nipple, and yes she is filthy

Dirty bitch

I can exclusively reveal that the Irish banks will be nationalised in the near future.

I blame the auditors

Punish the bankers - not the ordinary man.

Sack the lot of them

Public servants pay and bankers play.

Too right - I’m going out to get pissed and NCC’s going home to babysit.