Irish banking shares

I’m just waiting for Mary O’Rourke to tell everyone to lay off her nephew 'cos he’s been working like a black these past few months.

[quote=“The Runt”]Buck. The phrase is “The buck stops here”.

Sorry. I’m turning into Farmer.[/quote]

Mea culpa, yes indeed it is.
As I typed it I knew it was wrong, but said to myself I’ll go back and change it when I’m finished.
Oh well I didn’t
Now I’m off to edit!

when I read smug arrogant self opinionated tripe that dan carters posts its easy to see why the banks are a mess - the banking culture that spawned the beast that is dan carter is rotten to the core & while he may not be 100% to blame he is defo my scapegoat

at least bandage can be trusted & was in the early stages of being a whislte blower just before this stories broke

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]Mea culpa, yes indeed it is.
As I typed it I knew it was wrong, but said to myself I’ll go back and change it when I’m finished.
Oh well I didn’t
Now I’m off to edit![/quote]


Someone else had the same during the week but I let them off. Two in won week was just too much though.

Bandage is a hero akin to that Dutch kid who stuck his finger in that old dyke in Amsterdam, NCC.

sure isn’t it every boys dream to get their finger into a dyke in amsterdam :mad:

Its smut like this that makes Liam Cahill despair of us.

ah sure there’s always photobucket :mad:

That selfless act of patriotic sexual deviancy saved his country from getting very wet, Art.

It’s always an honour to have the respect of your peers so many thanks for the kind words gentlemen. I’d equate this to a footballer receiving the Players’ Player of the Year award.

fair enough, I might change mine in a few weeks anyway, you can have first claim on it

[quote=“manaboutdog”]I mentioned Sean Dunne, but was really referring to the group of developers who, up to 6 months ago, were held up as poster boys of the celtic tiger.

Dunne hasn’t done anything wrong, but he does owe anglo a shit load of money in the form of what is now basically an unsecured loan, since the value of the ballsbridge site has plumetted. Setting up anglo as a ‘toxic’ bank would be primarily to allow people like this off the hook, not someone who is in arrears on a 200K mortgage for example.[/quote]

AFAIK Sean Dunne does his banking with Ulster not Anglo

I see that two of the board of IL&P have resigned. Pathetic.
They should be arrested and put in jail. All this hiding behind other nameless poeple and saying someone else read the report, someone else signed those forms, someone else made the decisions is just not good enough.
All those who lost jobs yesterday. 1400 people, out of work.
1400 less wages to pay public service and to pay for massive pensions and to pay for welfare.

BOI then come out and say that the bad debts are doubel what they said. Lenihan said that he told them to come clean and to say that. FFS ! They can’t be hiding that sort of information when the public are about to bail them out.
Bankers greed has ruined Ireland. I fear the worst.

Yours in not being able to recognise this country anymore,

ACCA ACA, ICAA, IBA,etc should revoke all their memberships

Make the fuckers resit their exams, then we’ll see just how useless they always were.

Resigning or getting sacked is no dillema when you’re walking away with a handshake and pension that would make Bertie drool.

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]Dan

Go away out of that.
One of two things happened. Either Lenihan didn’t read the report or he did but didn’t realise the significance of the 7bn and is pretending he didn’t read the report in order to appear less stupid-
If he didn’t read the report, he’s being negligent as the minister for Finance. He’s putting the country in hock to keep this bank alive and he’s ultimately responsible for the decision. It was the seminal report written on Anglo ( commissioned by him and his Dept) and he couldn’t be bothered reading it. The buck stops with him. Whether or not someone else should have told him is beside the point. We’re paying him to be the Minister for finance and reading a report is the least he should be doing.
I have my suspicions though that he did read the report but didn’t pick up the significance of the 7bn. Did you hear him saying that even if he did read the report he wouldn’t have realised the significance of the deposit? What a tool. No wonder our country’s debt rating is being downgraded.
His stupidity and negligence is costing the taxpayer.


Bang on the money. Not reading the report or claiming to have not read the report is the same thing. Either way it amoumnts to gross negligence and massive incompetence.

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]I see that two of the board of IL&P have resigned. Pathetic.
They should be arrested and put in jail. All this hiding behind other nameless poeple and saying someone else read the report, someone else signed those forms, someone else made the decisions is just not good enough.
All those who lost jobs yesterday. 1400 people, out of work.
1400 less wages to pay public service and to pay for massive pensions and to pay for welfare.

BOI then come out and say that the bad debts are doubel what they said. Lenihan said that he told them to come clean and to say that. FFS ! They can’t be hiding that sort of information when the public are about to bail them out.
Bankers greed has ruined Ireland. I fear the worst.

Yours in not being able to recognise this country anymore,

big time

hang the bankers

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]Dan

Go away out of that.
One of two things happened. Either Lenihan didn’t read the report or he did but didn’t realise the significance of the 7bn and is pretending he didn’t read the report in order to appear less stupid-
If he didn’t read the report, he’s being negligent as the minister for Finance. He’s putting the country in hock to keep this bank alive and he’s ultimately responsible for the decision. It was the seminal report written on Anglo ( commissioned by him and his Dept) and he couldn’t be bothered reading it. The buck stops with him. Whether or not someone else should have told him is beside the point. We’re paying him to be the Minister for finance and reading a report is the least he should be doing.
I have my suspicions though that he did read the report but didn’t pick up the significance of the 7bn. Did you hear him saying that even if he did read the report he wouldn’t have realised the significance of the deposit? What a tool. No wonder our country’s debt rating is being downgraded.
His stupidity and negligence is costing the taxpayer.


Dont agree WBY, I posted before prime time though.

If he had to read every report that came through his office there would be little time for anything else.

Maybe Im not as smart as some others but to read and digest a 700 page report of that magnitude, and fully process and digest its contents and significance is a weeks work.

And he does have other things to do as well. There must be some degree of delegation.

But, agreed, ultimately he is responsible and the buck stops with him. Is it not a bit crazy that he as a solcitor is Minsiter for Finance, would this happen anywhere else?

How many solicitors do you think would have picked up the significance of the transaction having read it in a 700 page report?

BTW, I am no FF apologist, I didnt vote for them in the last two elections.

[quote=“north county corncrake”]when I read smug arrogant self opinionated tripe that dan carters posts its easy to see why the banks are a mess - the banking culture that spawned the beast that is dan carter is rotten to the core & while he may not be 100% to blame he is defo my scapegoat

at least bandage can be trusted & was in the early stages of being a whislte blower just before this stories broke[/quote]

you didnt read either of my posts yesterday did you?

because at no point did I defend anyone in any bank.

I gave my opinion, neutral enough, on the toxic bank situation and queried the auditors on site about charging bank directors with reckless trading?

You are my scapegoat, typical faceless civil servant bleeding the country dry whilst casting aspersions and blame in every angle. :mad:

BTW, Bandages contribution to the nations financial recovery will not go unrewarded. I am in the early stages of drafting a song to commemorate him. The man who swam against the tide of greed and corruption is the working title, or maybe I will just shorten it to Hero

[quote=“dancarter”]Dont agree WBY, I posted before prime time though.

If he had to read every report that came through his office there would be little time for anything else.

Maybe Im not as smart as some others but to read and digest a 700 page report of that magnitude, and fully process and digest its contents and significance is a weeks work.

And he does have other things to do as well. There must be some degree of delegation.

But, agreed, ultimately he is responsible and the buck stops with him. Is it not a bit crazy that he as a solcitor is Minsiter for Finance, would this happen anywhere else?

How many solicitors do you think would have picked up the significance of the transaction having read it in a 700 page report?

BTW, I am no FF apologist, I didnt vote for them in the last two elections.[/quote]

jesus Dan, regardless of where in the report it was buried, the size of the figure alone should have told him something was amiss.

But was there any Executive summary on the report? surely the compliers of the report would be summarising material facts up the front of it?