Irish banking shares

Ivan Yates is a shining example of all that is wrong with the genuine settling of liability in this country. He has the neck of a meat counter butcher.

if AIB were to give debt forgiveness all round would it not fall on the taxpayer to dig a little deeper again???..
while I do think there are cases for debt forgiveness the sense of entitlement some people have towards it is terrible…

I don’t get the reference to England here…is it part of your obsessive war against them from your trench in the IFSC?..

You wont get to keep your bike @Mac , you’ll be forced to join the legion of fixies


[quote=“scumpot, post: 915469, member: 182”]if AIB were to give debt forgiveness all round would it not fall on the taxpayer to dig a little deeper again???..
while I do think there are cases for debt forgiveness the sense of entitlement some people have towards it is terrible…

I don’t get the reference to England here…is it part of your obsessive war against them from your trench in the IFSC?..[/quote]
The banks were recapitalised to deal with the amount of loss they are going to take. Do you realise this is an extremely good deal for the bank? They get most of the mortgage repaid, the alternative is the owner declares bankruptcy and the bank gets a property worth fuck all and also has to pay the costs to maintain/sell it.

First few pages of this thread always make great reading :popcorn:

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The internet never forgets.

Bank of Ireland trades back below 25c. More than a third off it’s high

What’s the perceived reason for the fall @Julio_Geordio?

The sky is falling. Not really Bank of Ireland centric, all banks everywhere

When there’s blood on the floor it’s time to start dancing.

I’ll trot out my stock phrase of, if your buying to sell next week or next month then no. If you’re buying to put them in your drawer for 5+ years then yes probably.

Bank Of Ireland are going to be the biggest bank in the country for a long time to come. Surely they have to be worth more than 25p a share.

I would think so.

You have to be careful of trying to catch a falling knife though.*

Stock phrase* number 2.

**Stock phrase is a delightfully unitended pun


BOI hit .236 there a while ago. #Carnage

First time reading this thread…I really hope some of you didnt investing in the banks around the the time the thread was opened!!!

Personally at the moment I’d wouldn’t buy shares in banking companies, I still feel Ireland’s economy is very un-stable and banks are unwilling to dish out loans credit the way they used to only two years ago. Property prices are falling and no amount of talk from Tom Parlon would give me the convidence to invest in property, many property investors are being left with empty houses and having to pay for furnishings themselves just to sell the house, thus pushing the prices down even more, in theory a €300,000 house is only costing the buyer €250,000 if there’s €50K worth of furnishings thrown in. All this has to mean less bank customers and less profit over this year. As well as that, the whole situation with the run-away solicitor Michael Lynn and the Irish banks not formally reporting the loss of €90M owed to them by the solicitor makes me wonder is there something the banks are covering up! I know if a customer owed my business few million I’d be reporting it wether my business was worth €100 or €100million, it wouldn’t matter, I’d want my money. The fact that the banks as money grabbing greed centres who charge riddiculous intrest don’t want to get their money back seems very fishy to me.

The best post ever on TFK and what’s more it came from a man who worked as a bus conductor. Meanwhile all the supposed financial gurus were recommending buying the shares.


I’m going to wait for it to drop below .20 then charge. I’ll retire in 10 years off this.

Contagion risk spreading from the large banks to the periphery. When the CEO of one of the largest European banks (DB) has to issue a statement proclaiming they have enough cash to cover debts maturing within the next year, its time to worry. A lot of chatter that DB could be heading for a Lehman event.

Would this be a good or a bad time for a bank takeover?