Irish banking shares

DB have fallen into the classic TFK trap. If you’re explaining you’re losing


Depends, theres a fair few AK47s on the go at the moment it seems so it might be easier than you think.

This is serious shit Juhy

Could make or break my week

I’d no idea it was that serious. Take it over so.


Are you selling the bank or buying the bank?

Neither, but i’d be interested if a deal was to be done, would this current climate make it more likely or less likely to happen?

Less likely, no one would take on something like that in the current environment unless they had a massive cash pile or they were a private investor/hedge fund

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Appreciate your response @Julio_Geordio

fuck it anyway

There are many vagaries to all these things, such as if the deal has already been announced etc. But in general now is a bad time to be chancing anything. For banks in particular.

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Who will Kaiser Noonan turn to for financial direction if DB goes under?

BOI will end up taking over Deutsche Bank

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Is Greg Lippman still working there?

Or dumb.

There’s absolutely no way it will be allowed to go that far. The Germans would never stand by and let one of their banks fail.

A good first step would be telling the cunt Draghi to fuck off. Negative interest rates are destroying the banking sector. Alice in Wonderland economics.

Got a quarterly interest statement in today on a term loan, ot was -0.13% plus the margin. The old-timers on our place were aghast at the number

Even if German Govt stepped in to save them, wouldn’t be good news for investors. New European rules on bail-ins have caught the Italians so would be very Interesting to see if the Germans continued to be so high-minded with one of their own.

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Unbelievable - is this ‘the’ @anon29459887 of TFK Astro fame?


I’ve been assiduously monitoring this thread every day for the last eight years.