Irish banking shares

Can any of the Right wingers clarify why oirish banks are so shit. The Phoenix has an article saying they are 49th and 50th out of 51 banks in Europe in terms of being unable to survive a downturn


No idea really but if I had to speculate maybe 7 or 8 years of State ownership/control has had an impact.


not looking for speculation mate, can you edit your pot?

Oireland is a banana republic thats why, propped up by the eu


Look at the clowns they employed


They employ greedy useless cunts…and they were never regulated until the crash.

The central bank are still a joke…and being a member of the euro doesnt help matters.

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And even bigger clowns to audit them


Guys, Ireland has a highly educated and skilled workforce. Sure it’s our main selling point to attract multinationals like Apple.

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Highly educated and skilled workforce I’m not so sure broadly speaking…

Obviously we have of course, but I dont think its your average guy/girl coming out with their 2.1 from a bullshit BBS degree at 22 years of age.

Multinationals are here primarily for the effective tax rate, proximity to the single EU market and english speaking in that order.

Do you reckon the Carkies are doing Apple’s tax planning?

Those big 4 cunts send in young lads with the hope that they’ll find nothing wrong.

I haven’t a notion, mate

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Which banks are we talking about?


Francesca McDonagh is a lovely name. It combines names of both Italian and Traveller heritage.

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Perfect dna to run an Oirish bank


I suppose the Protestant ethos are gone from BOI .

12% drop in ptsb shares today.

Any particular reason?