Irish banking shares

Mightn’t be far off yet :grinning:

Some smell of death of Deutsche Bank at the minute. All banks exist on the basis of confidence and once the confidence is gone it’s all over.

Been a zombie for years. Propped up as it has deutsche in the name imo.

They are all Zombies mate.


Just announced 500 new jobs in Ireland…

Who Deutsche?

I think so.

Anyone out there happy with their banking service? If so, who are you with?

Branch service not overly important, I only need to go into a branch once every few years.

I’ve used BoI online a little bit recently and found it to be a disgrace.

Ulster Bank is my normal bank and they’re OK from an online perspective.

None of them are without fault. But IMO AIB provide excellent day to day service. Online offering is very good and no need to go to branch for anything at all really now. Good support over phone for anything slightly more complex.

BOI are a disgrace as right.

They have a massive IT project ongoing to overhaul entire systems including online offering at the minute.

Do you not need to dongle or something to log on to AIB? So if I’m in work and need to make a transfer I have to have my dongle with me?

No. They have their own app.

No you can do transfers on the phone bud,standing orders and dd can be done with a card reader or in the bank atm that they have inside

First direct are fantastic.

You can’t set up new transfers from your phone, has to be a laptop with a card reader which is shit. If you transfer to someone quite frequently though it’s nice, can be done in a few seconds when their details are saved.

No. Just need card reader for some transactions like setting up a new payment beneficiary for first time. It’s not onerous

Tsb is best for online personal accounts. Transfers can be set up from your pc

I find Ulsterbank the best of the lot tbh. Website is clear. Payments easy. Haven’t had to visit the branch in well over 2 years.

You can set up transfers with AIB from your PC/laptop as well with the card reader.

Adding the phone would be nice.