Irish banking shares

It should be beyond an existential crisis now. Davy’s should be down in Larry Goodman’s yard

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Anybody’s yard but that cunts. If he thought he could get away with it and make a few bob out of it, hed resuscitate them and leave them out the back gate

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existential crisis for CB regulatory and fraud squad if no indictable offences are possible for this. damning for pathcal that he hasnt managed to legislate for this


Get em cheap. They owned them before and sold them

Goodbody and Davy back in the bosom of the pillar banks. Only BOI buying at the bottom and AIB at the top.


AIB are the real losers in all of this this. Again

To be honest - from afar it looks like a good fit for both parties at this point in time. From Davy’s point of view it cleans the shareholder register of the various scandal personalities and gives a sense of a higher degree of internal regulatory control etc making it easier to retain customers etc. From BOI perspective - its a higher rate of return than normal lending and natural fit between their customer base and wealth division of Davy.


I assume the Davy brand would be retired and repurposed as BIAM?

Can’t see paschal loosening the bonus strings in both banks while this shitshow is going on. I assume AIB were going to push for this when buying Goodbodys and will be bulling now.

I believe they were looking at some exemption for those coming across from Goodbodys. Ironically Davy were able to entice current interim Byrne away from AIB due to the cap.

I think they had gotten the go ahead on it.

Pascal was on the radio yesterday saying even if he had brought it in legislation it couldn’t be applied retrospectively. Dobbo didn’t stick the boot in unfortunately.

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I doubt the Davy name will survive. Surely absolutely toxic now.

More allegations about to surface :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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Explosive ones?

Davy are bringing a spoon to a pike fight here :grin:

That is a good one.
The Davy crew made and then ruined the grey market. Buying coop shares for personal pension funds. Wonder if the funds were for management or clients