Irish banking shares

Or circling

The victim here Kearney is ironically the one who cost the taxpayer millions via his project eagle connection. Davy should have been hauled over the coals for selling CFDs to the mentally ill young lad, way before this bond deal came to light.


No right minded person would ever deal with Davy after that story. Utterly appalling.

This stuff was beyond belief.

Poor Davy and all he did was when Irelands fittest family.:rofl:

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If it was travellers swindling the vulnerable there’d be muyda. cc @Raylan

For fuck sake mike

Shane Ross on plus one discussing the Davy’s stuff. A great man when he’s no skin in the game

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Shane calling for an independent review. Someone in the big 4 about to get a nice fat cheque

The septic tanks call his ilk “ Monday morning quarter backs “

“Seanie Fitz should be running the Central Bank”


I’d say Davy would grab a big 4 review now if they could get it. Kick the whole thing down the road … “no comment would be appropriate while a review is under way”… the big 4 lads won’t dig too hard and the anger will dissipate


Is the “Drummer” contemplating a come back I wonder?

Big 4 review :smiley::smiley:
Remind me of a few recent “Big 4” audits there recently.
Deary me.
A recipe for obfuscation, ineptness, nepotism and corruption.

McWilliams this morning reckoned they’re going down the same road as Arthur Anderson after the Enron scandal

It’s looking quite likely. If their plc clients come under pressure to drop them they’ll be broken up and sold for parts


They absolutely should be.

Yeah and something tells me we are circling around pandoras box here and when someone decides to open it, it could get quite messy

Yeah, i think that it’s only dawning on them now that this is an existential crisis for them.

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