Irish COTY19: Cunt of the Year Log Thread 2019

What’s the jist of this

A man wearing hush puppies is ill advised to threaten a hard cunt like vinipola

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I’ve been away and haven’t paid attention to this story
Off the Ball panel just now not too sympathetic with the Pacific Islanders views

Israel Folau tweets that adulterers, liars, fornicators and homosexuals are going to hell. Repent, repent. Bundee Aki and Billy Vunipola press the “like” button. Israel Folau gets sacked for expressing his opinion.

Vunipola makes a courageous tweet where he says that he’s had homosexual experiences in the past but has gradually come to the opinion that he prefers women because he wants to have kids one day. He also says that he’s a adulterer and a liar and suggests that he has a breeding fetish. He says to go easy on Israel Folau and that he didn’t deserved to be sacked. Bundee Aki just keeps his head down.

You might expect that Billy Vunipola would be hailed as a taboo-busting hero and become a liberal icon. This did not happen.

Munster fans boo his every touch. One Munster fan called Robert Richards or something equally ridiculous invades the pitch to tell Vunipola to his face that he’s a bad man. Munster fans also boo continually through every Saracens penalty and conversion. Saracens kick the shit out of Munster.

Munster deny that Robert Richards is a Munster fan and suggest that he’s a Saracens double agent wearing a Munster jersey. Billy Keane , another COTY nominee above, says that Vunipola should be banned from rugby like Israel Folau.

Bundee Aki says he only liked Israel Folau’s tweet by accident.

To summarize, Munster Rugby is a threat to our democracy.


Bullet points you simple bastard.

Things I learned today

He needs a severe kicking, plonker of the year

Robert Richards sounds like a typical docker or binman

The off the ball panel weren’t supportive of the pacific islanders, Folau sounds like an awful fool

The OTB panel​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

An odd response unless you know who was on it

An OTB panel is generally made up of members of the Dublin media bubble . Nearly always very conformist and boring. I .


The off the ball panels tend to be very diverse in truth, not saying today’s one was particularly controversial

And talk about sport as if it was really important. Droning on and on about muck.

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It’s a sports show.

3 hours talk about sport

Anyone who calls themselves a “foodie”
You like food mate, jog on.

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Not really. That girl should never have died. I would lay a large part of the blame at the feet of the RUC who sat safely in their armoured vehicles and allowed others to use them as shelters despite the fact that if there was to be shots fired, they would be directed at said vehicles. McKay is a horrible bitch who can’t make a cogent argument without referring to one of her hobby horses. Usually its abortion but today she constantly referenced McKee. Literally every time she spoke she referenced her. I’ve watched TedTalks with McKee and it was pretty ordinary to be honest.

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Fuck off.

Fuck off cunt.