Irish COTY19: Cunt of the Year Log Thread 2019

Boy B’s father


Pj Gallagher

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what’s he done?

Ciara McEvoy


A stupid cunt.

Seems a reasonable proposal.


Why? What about all the trainers and breeders who’ll be left jobless from it? What’s your plan for them?

Like the oil and gas boiler installers and coal miners, blacksmiths and coopers,
It’s an unfortunate consequence

As GAA is the only truly Irish sporting organisation it is the only sport that should get state funding. Maybe throw a few quid to boxing and MMA to keep the bowsies occupied.

It’s sad you’ve a simpletons like glas and pj Gallagher lapping up the the rte agenda about grey hound racing. Glas should focus more on his family.


How much money is currently being spent by the Government to solve the homelessness crisis?


Ban greyhound racing

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The gga should only get funded when it’s participation rates are in the top 10

More people bet on football than horse racing and dog racing combined yet the money from betting taxes only goes to greyhound and horse racing


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More people or more money ?

Agreed. More funding to encourage higher participation. The holiday is doing you good buddy.


So, you think the government should subsidise obsolete jobs?

Sponsors turning away from greyhounds