Irish COTY19: Cunt of the Year Log Thread 2019

Heā€™s a fucking Cyril

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Thatā€™s exactly what comes to mind.

He reminded me more of a creepy guy shadowing a beoer on a dancefloor, like if he just stands there for long enough and pushes close enough sheā€™ll shift him.

Thanks for the trip back to 1994 mate


Whatā€™s the new word now?

i Thoroughly enjoy how much the likes of shane Ross and Donald trump wind up the middle class arse holes on Twitter

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It ainā€™t the ā€œmiddle classā€ that are suffering under Trump mate

Itā€™s the poorest, most marginalised and ethnic and racial minorities, especially children that are suffering

The easy targets

The targets that people like you despise

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No Sid you are all wrong here. Itā€™s the tits in Ireland and England that are melting down on twitter. You are the one full of hate. Iā€™ve love for everybody.

And the same people who voted him in would sneer at Michael Healy Rae


Is there genuine evidence that these people are worse off under Trump than Obama? Iā€™m not on either side, just interested

ā€œNo, youā€™re wrongā€

Great argument

Iā€™m sold anyway

It isnā€™t argument Sid. Iā€™m talking about the people on twitter melting down over his visit. Not Americans suffering in America. You tried to say I did but I didnā€™t. You are wrong.

Six children have died from their treatment at the border under Trump

Zero under Obama

Trump has vastly ramped up drone strikes from what it was under Obama

Then thereā€™s the torrent of hate against minorities unleashed through official leaderā€™s doctrine where racist white terrorism is tolerated and encouraged

Anybody who hasnā€™t ā€œtaken a sideā€ has some pretty fucked morals because the orange bigot has no morals at all and stands firmly against humanity

Some people find that funny though

No offence mate but you sound like a child

I thoroughly support you being protected by state authorities even if you support your own abuse by them

You tried to twist what I said and got it horribly wrong. I know as an avid sun reader you are of limited intelligence but you and the rest of the twitter mob are the biggest hypocrites about. Why donā€™t the angry mob protes about American investment in our country??? Democracy is only ok if the left get what they want. All bets are off otherwise.

Youā€™re still sounding like a child

Whatever you find funny I suppose

If you find people objecting to grotesque human rights abuse and naked bigotry funny thatā€™s your choice but it seems a bit messed up

John Burke

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less bombing anyway

Judge Mary Ellen Ring