Irish COTY19: Cunt of the Year Log Thread 2019

Is it mandatory but not compulsory for an FG member/supporter to be a facist cunt? :grin:


Seosaimhin Eilionor Williams-Fitzpatrick looks like a grand girl.


The “we are in” cunts from the Vodafone ad


Jackie Tyrrell.

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Just watching John bruton rimming Charles Saxe Coburg there on reeling in the years. What a cunt!


That’s an outrageous clip - “the greatest honour of my life” etc. I’ve met his daughter who writes his speeches for him sometimes and she’s a lovely girl, cool as fuck. She must be having a right larf.

Shows bruton at his unionist sycophant worst. Hopefully the cuntishness missed a generation in the daughter.

To be fair, this is a load of oul wank. These data protection laws have gone too far. The next time you need a governmental department and you think “surely these cunts have this information from me somewhere” you’d be right but they’re not allowed use it and can’t see it. So if you give your information to one department nobody else is allowed it see it so it’ll be like dealing with a new “company” every time so name, PPS, etc will not be shared. Why?


roy keane


So you don’t agree with him on Ferguson then?


all he said about ferguson in the article is that hes waiting for an apology, dont know how youre extrapolating anything from that.

hes a thick cunt if he thinks hes getting an apology from ferguson, an even bigger cunt


Jarlath Burns

Good shout. A cunting cunt.

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Sir Anthony McCoy.

Why ??

Why not?

As Mickaleen Flynn would say, unmerciful

Apparently he’s an outstanding school principal. I’d say it’s mdh’s job he’s really after

Labour councillor Rebecca Moynihan

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Just read about her shitehawkery, what a gimp

Jim now joins Bob geldof and mother teresa