Irish History

Can’t remember too many documentaries about famine on Rte

The famine series podcast done by that chap from Castlecomer was class, would recommend it.

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This twitter thread is worth a spin

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That famine doc on RTE there was excellent

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That was decent. Maybe not a pile in it for history buffs who are familiar with the finer points but a good overview. Sombre viewing, no surprise there.

Yeah it was decent… Hard to fit it all in to an hour…

Was that not just part 1?

Part 2 next Monday.


Lovely, I hope we get a happy ending



Yes … but they covered a fair bit tonight. You could have filled 5 hours on the lead up to the famine and the first couple of years alone. We’ve still never fully dealt with the famine as a nation… The trauma of it is still in our genetic memory.

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Pity we didn’t have NPHET back in those days to look after us

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I can’t remember an Ireland without them.

I was talking to a lad today on Prospect Hill about great nights out. Felt like a different life

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Did you watch the news today? There’s a potato shortage on the way.

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He puts up interesting stuff but he’s a fruit loop

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Leaving aside the lore and the patchwork stories of personal tragedy, until the population of the island goes north of 8 million, we are essentially still in recovery mode. The blunt force trauma of those numbers is still a scar on the nation.


A BLM social justice warrior Irish Republican

Paddy took over the world because of the famine, JFK, Obama, O Biden. Those who laugh last etc