Irish politicians

The trough needs to be filled more.

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I’d say Leo is writing up the resignation letter as we speak. Delusional cunts

Being involved in student politics is sad, being involved in student politics and joining a centre right party like FG or FF is just fucking depressing. What kind of a mentality could bring you to that conclusion. Especially in a country where the young are being completely shafted

Fair enough if you wanted to be a communist or something, at least you are raging against the machine some bit. But to be in your formative years and thinking, everything is grand. Christ. You shouldn’t be beaten down like that so early in life :joy:


A few lads joined the clubs and socs on fresher’s week to stock up on the free condoms and never left. Although if you’re involved in YFG, you probably don’t have much use for the condoms.


If that happened in SF a very different spin would be put on it. The 3 biggest political parties are all cults


Are SF not the biggest party currently?

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Yeah they are one of the 3 I meant ???

Are the others not cults also then in your opinion?

Me, every single time he appears, the cark cunt

Mickey M was on Newstalk there. A very very unimpressive man. Everything he says is something he has learned off by heart, and then he uses it to answer questions where it might only be mildly relevant.

He was asked about the Gerry Adams Christmas video and everything he said was full of outrage, except the delivery. Literally learned off a speech about how outraged he was by the politicalisation of Christmas and then delivered it like someone talking about what he had for breakfast this morning.


Half way through Gary Murphy’s book on Haughey
Haughey would have had Martin washing cups in the kitchen


A useless bollix.Has he still that utter cunt from The Sun working for him.

He wouldn’t, he’d have run the gutless flute on Day 1 with his customary courteous manner - Fuck off


insipid is the perfect word for martin


This lad is some simpleton,even Emmett lands a body blow.



That Robert Watt must be well connected politically - is he FF or FG?

The neck on him is almost admirable. He was the same again at that committee meeting today, couldn’t give a bollix what Roisin Shortall or any of the TD’s think.

He seems accountable to nobody.

Those committees are utterly useless though for anything other than political grandstanding. A host of TDS trot in looking to get their “gotcha” moment on camera so they can quickly get it up on social media. All the civil servants etc know that and also know they’re all bark and no bite - why would you bother to engage in good faith.

There’s a reason why the electorate told the politicians to fuck off when they asked for more powers via the constitution for they’re committees - they couldn’t be trusted with it.

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