Irish Presidential results hub 2018


This is the start — local elections and general election coming up… the Indian is next on the list

People are sick of the Travellers you dopey prick.

Sabina is in the spare room tonight.

The driver will be bumped up to the presidential suite again.



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I can’t help think of Psycho Walsh on a night like this, this is for him and us all.

Paddy Power must have done their bollix on this. They were very slow to cut him down even days after the tide had turned he was still 8/1 for second place. I think he was 1/4 or something last night for second. :laughing:

Can we get Dublin Castle to open up tomorrow to celebrate Casey?

Casey Casey

You ok pal. Are you worried Higgins won’t make Christmas the size of him.

He’s the divil

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For telling the truth

An unprecedented landslide for the incumbent who increased his first preference vote by nearly 50%.


That’s not the next line joe,haven’t you played this before

in the history of Oirish politics has there ever been a 20% bounce in a week?
It’s incredible really.

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You’re the divil

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There has.

Disgraceful from our State broadcaster in lying about KC’s achievement but it’s head in the sand stuff there.

Tell me about it.

Only in one of your “ladys” boobs😁