King Henry of Galway (Part 1) šŸ‘‘

Heā€™s dead fucking right.


Is Conor Whelan suing also?!

This smacks of some local Galway GGA freelance ā€œjournalistā€ mixing up the two Ronan Burkes and sending in copy to a load of the dailies and a few of them publishing without fact checking it. Thankfully we donā€™t have that problem in Wexford.

Surely a Galway GGA journalist would know the difference, these fellas are the sort of simpletons who get off on being in the know about such things and calling the players by their nicknames



Strange as it sounds a win there would have done us no favors, just paper over the cracks. Thereā€™ll be a few lads playing for their inter county careers against Kilkenny, at least there should be.
Glass half full this is the rocket up the hole they needed, Glass half empty this is as good as we are, ie shite.
Take Joe out of any side and they will struggle but this team visibly wilts in his absence. There was however a passage of play to set up the score, converted by Flynn, to rescue the result that hints of what this team is capable of. More of that and youā€™d be hopeful. I myself however am not very hopeful.


Did any of the fringe players do much for their cause? Concannon still looks too lightweight, Hussey similiar although he made a few plays. Loftus only in spots as well. At least Glennon didnā€™t get the winner @flattythehurdler

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Wexford threw the kitchen sink at us in that second half and we somehow survived. Many previous Galway teams would have folded.

Thatā€™s said we have the look of a team going no obvious direction. We are carrying a few lads who simply canā€™t contribute enough when given 50/50 balls.

Nolan park will bring things to a head anyway.

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Harteā€™s legs are gone. Was made bits of today.

Hes not the only one. Conor Cooney is finished, Johnny Coen not far behind and David Burke a shadow of himself

No Joe, no party.

Surely Galway have more lads knocking around the county than whatā€™s currently on the panel? Lot of mileage on some of those lads.

If ye can keep Whelan out of prison you are still in with a shout when Joe comes back.

I think the direction yeā€™re going in is very obvious.

@anon32894817 vindicated. Galway a far better outfit without Joe.


In fairness a good few of this team have been around a while and played in three or four finals. Harte, Coen, David Burke, Joe obviously and probably a couple more. Looks like a team heading to the end of the road after a great innings.

The new format is fairly brutal in that it exposes an ageing team over the duration of the provincial championship. Under the old system youā€™d be out after the first game and maybe get a tough qualifier draw and be gone. Now itā€™s dragged out over at least four games.

Definite lack of sharpness and energy for the last 12 months. Going by today hard to see them getting a result in Nowlan Park but thereā€™s surely a kick in them for that one.

Parnell Park will be sticky too.

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Galway will be given no chance going to Fortress Nowlan Park. Thatā€™s a position that has inspired many great Galway wins over Kilkenny over the years.

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Whoā€™d have guessed that Joe was holding us back all these years


I agree with you largely but Iā€™d say tipp are an Even older team with more miles on the clock.

By all accounts they trained very hard on silver strand this morning. All Irelands are not won in May lads.

Galway beat Kilkenny by 8 points and Wexford by 9 in Innovate Wexford Park in the round robin stages last year and were looking unstoppable. By late July they looked knackered. Iā€™d imagine theyā€™re timing their run this year for the business end of late July to mid August.