Irish Presidential results hub 2018

The Liberal Twitter snowflakes are badly rattled. It’s only the beginning

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A landslide for our Michael D Higgins an endorsement by the Irish people. Young and old


No he didn’t. Higgins won 40% first preferences. He was polling 25,26,28% in the week before.

Has a candidate ever had a 20% bounce in the week prior an election?
What Casey has achieved must be a first.

That’s it in a nutshell. Casey wasn’t in any way racist or extreme right.

No comparison to Trump. The travellers turning up their noses at €1m plus development because they didn’t get free land for their fucking horses. For fuck sake.

The old school travellers were/are generally likeable old rogues.

A lot (I’m putting this at 73%) of the younger crowd are in general drug dealing criminals and don’t pay a cent of tax. And they’re untouchable. Because they know where you live and will rob you or destroy your property. The cunts turned up to rob the folks house last week when a family wedding was on but got disturbed and sped off. The do gooder idealist townies don’t want to know about this.

One of the snow flakes tweeted about the travellers kids. The same kids that absolutely ruin the classes they’re in and push teachers to the edge of sanity. But it’s not their fault, it’s the culture they’re born into and maybe the perceived victimisation that they feel. Society will not think much of them until they change too.

I feel sorry for the pavee point lads. I can only imagine the shit they get from the traveller community. And then trying to justify the unjustifiable.


That’s an outstanding post.

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Civil rights movements in history have been based on seeking equal treatment for all. When casey suggested this, he’s branded a racist by snowflake ireland :grinning:

Mat Cooper comparing Peter Casey to trump twice in the tv debate contributed alone to a bounce of 7-9% for Casey .
The Oirish media are an utter disgrace currently.

They’ve woken up raging too by the looks of it.

Their drunken, tax-dodging hero couldn’t lay a glove on Mickey D and ended up taking all the Shinner votes. :smile:


Pavee Point are as much to blame as anyone.

Never a word of condemnation of any of their members, it’s always the poor innocent traveller who is hard done by. Its the government, it’s the local council, it’s settled people, it’s the media who are at fault. God forbid it’s the actual travellers themselves who are engaged in rampant criminality who have a case to answer for. Did Pavee Point ever come out and criticise those scum bags who terrorised that poor family in the house in rural Tipperary a few years back, literally bursting in through the front window in the middle of the night? At least they were caught and got hefty jail sentences - there’s plenty more out there to replace them though.

It’s not some major conspiracy that members of the travelling community make up 0.6% of the general population but make up something like 15% of the prison population (male) and over 20% of females.

No, it’s their culture. They can turn down houses worth €1.7m because of their culture. They can get suspended sentence after suspended sentence because of their own self inflicted circumstances.

Peter Casey had a mild enough cut off them - and welfare spongers whether settled or tinkers - and he got seemingly one fifth of the vote. He wasn’t even a polished speaker or that charismatic. But a decent share of voters still came out and gave two fingers to the establishment, the mainstream media and all the do gooders who champion the cause of these “vulnerable” people without ever having any actual dealings with them themselves.

FF, FG, Lab, SF, the Greens etc are all pretty much the same. The country is crying out for a proper centre right party who’ll not pander to twitter mouth pieces but listen to ordinary working people who are being fucked every which way while other untouchable segments of society pay for nothing and get everything handed to them - and still demand more and more.

21% is a good starting point, it’s actually incredible considering most people didn’t know who he was up to a few weeks ago. Hopefully someone, anyone can carry this momentum into future local and general elections and ignore the hysterical loons who deride plain speaking as racist, fascist or some other buzz word.

They’ll carry my vote, if so.


Colm Parkinson vs Miguel Delaney on Twitter :popcorn:

Is it still going on?

The snow flakes and establishment lackeys are going bananas … It’s a complete meltdown. Casey’s bounce was very little to do with traveller comments and everything to do with the hand out culture and pure frustration of the squeezed middle. The low turn out and bounce for Casey are people venting … People sick of working hard and being ripped off while others just stick the paw out and demand houses where they want. If you don’t see that you’re not very bright or part of the problem.

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Did Poppy Ni Riada lose her deposit mate?



Couldn’t tell you mate.

Crucial 10 th

20% is actually more than enough. Even in the 5%-10% range they can influence policy with a few seats and in coalition.

A quarter of SF voters voted for Casey…

I havent seen such venom in a post since you were describing your fellow Limerick fans