Irish Presidential results hub 2018


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Our numbers will be higher than those exit polls suggest, Mark my words


ah no - the figures are fine. some of us have money on this.

Yeah Iā€™d say more like 25/26.RTE donā€™t want to give Casey too much to celebrate tonight

I also just want to say that I had Casey @ 50/1 without Higgins.


It could be 25%, its a serious kick in the hole for the political and media establishment.

A lot of people are sick of scumbag cunts both traveller and settled in this country getting away with doing nothing only rob everyone else.


What a vile.comment

The fact that TFK called this to a tee ahead of both the media and bookmakers is very satisfying indeed.


Michael D Michael D Michael D
Clare Clare Clare
Flannans Flannans Flannans

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Michael D has them hopping around like sausages in a frying pan


I hope he takes the Lear jet from the aras to Dublin Castle

Casey will be texting the other candidates asking if they got their deposits back yet.:grin:

Nowt to do with gumption. Being president is a leisurely pastime. Running for president in that rigged race an easy enough act of divilment.
Starting a political party? Ha ha. Heā€™ll go back to playing golf in the sun Iā€™d imagine. Iā€™d never even heard of him. He said one thing of note, and thatā€™s all it took to take a third of miggledyā€™s vote.
Miggledy is tarnished enough now. People will turn on him if he puts a foot wrong.


He could only beat what was ran against him. If the parties didnt put forward decent candidates and the councils nominated jokers on an ego trip, thats Irish democracyā€™s problem.

We wake up to a new Ireland today.

A New Hope.

Bring back the PDs. That went well the last time.

Casey was a nothing candidate really. He was looking at 1-2% in the polls. Then he had a (very mild) cut at the Travellers and about Irelandā€™s welfare system and, in 10 days, he incresed his support tenfold.

Iā€™m hopeful this is a sign that the average worker, taxed to the bone, paying huge rent and being hammered left right and centre by ever increasing costs, is sick of being labelled a racist by the PC brigade for calling out spongers and criminals for what they are.


Or Miriam

7 more years, 7 more years! A lot of lads eventually went to bed last night absolutely raging, jesus that is no way to be