Irish Presidential results hub 2018

Casey destroyed Higgins in South Tipp cc @carryharry — finished on 49%

That’s it in a nutshell. My town is a microcosim of that. One traveller family moved in about 60 years ago, their children never caused any bother locally and would generally be fairly ok, a few them played hurling & football and you’d have a chat with them in the pub, but the younger generation are completely off the rails. They are involved in burglaries all over Limerick and further a field, supplying most of West Limerick with coke and generally just hanging around the place causing hassle. The town is like something from the wire now with gangs of them on every stoop. The primary school in the town only had 12 in infants this year, when traditionally it would have had 25+. You can argue the rights and wrongs of it but Casey’s message resonated with an awful lot of people.


The Urban bourgeoisie dont see any of this and cant understand why people are sick of it… They lash out then on twitter calling people racist and wankers


@mac made a post earlier about how O’Gorman used to cycle 20 or 30 miles to that Fortune cunt. I often wondered why a 16 or 17 year old homo sexual chap would do this to be subjected to the evils of Fortune. Not like he was trapped out there or anything. But I don’t fully understand the psychology of the whole thing so who am I to say.

Fortune was a vile, horrible bastard just to be 100% clear.

You paint a beautiful picture of living in.limerick


They were saying on WLR there that in a few of the early boxes opened in rural County Waterford that Duffy had no first preference votes.

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Absolutely incredible. A new low for this place.


It must be spoken openly in wexford as these chumps wouldnt have the gumption to come up with this revisionist shit themselves

Far from it.

What exaclty is your point. ?

He wanted to be abused?

If we can put all the bluster and bullshit aside — the 20 odd % shows that a lot of people are hurting. It ties into the financial pressures and housing crisis and people not being able to move on with their life and the status quo doing very little about it.

Many working class areas and rural areas have given a strong Casey vote — You’d like to think that our government will take note but it’s very unlikely that they give two shits.

Sounds like that. Very strange accusation to make.

Casey’s vote had absolutely nothing got to do with the Housing crisis.

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Can @Bandage clarify what the 2 lads are saying

Only a beaten docket would argue that rural voters struggling to pay bills waded in behind a Multi Millionaire in relation to housing etc.

They waded in behind a chap who called out Travellers. He bounced in the polls due to this & this only.


He better sort that post or “ The Boss Man “ could be in trouble.

I wouldn’t dare even try.

Colm O’Gorman’s only crime, as far as I can see, was running for the Progressive Democrats in Wexford in the 2007 general election.

Quite an about turn from there to becoming a social justice warrior.

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